最新消息 新聞稿
HKU SPACE Students achieve First Class Honours from the University of London
We would like to congratulate three of our students who graduated with First Class Honours at the University of London in 2023 in the following programmes: BSc Accounting and Finance BSc Banking and Finance BSc Business and Management For further details, please see https://hkuspace.hku.hk/londonu. These are exempted courses under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance. It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognise any qualification to which these courses may lead.
更多 HKU SPACE Students achieve First Class Honours from the University of LondonRELOCATION OF THE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND FINANCE
This new office will be located at the same venue as our brand new Kowloon West Campus which will also soon be opening to the public providing new classrooms and learning facilities in the Kowloon West area from 2023 onwards. This new campus adds to the School’s various learning centres and further supports the School’s initiative...
更多 RELOCATION OF THE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND FINANCEHKU SPACE Students achieve First Class Honours from the University of London
We would like to congratulate two of our students who graduated with First Class Honours at the University of London in 2022 in the following programmes: BSc Accounting and Finance BSc Economics and Finance For further details, please see https://hkuspace.hku.hk/londonu. These are exempted courses under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance. It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognise any qualification to which these courses may lead
更多 HKU SPACE Students achieve First Class Honours from the University of LondonHKU SPACE mourns the passing of Dr Lee Shiu
Dr Lee was closely associated with HKU SPACE. He was conferred the title of Honorary Fellow of HKU SPACE in 2015 in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the School and to the community. He served as a member of the HKU SPACE Community College Advisory Council (2002 – 2018). His passion for philanthropy was shown by his many generous...
更多 HKU SPACE mourns the passing of Dr Lee ShiuCongratulations to our students receiving First Class Honours from the University of London
We would like to congratulate our students who obtained First Class Honours from the University of London in 2019. 1 LLB 3 BSc Economics and Management 1 BSc Business and Management You are welcome to study with us! For further details, please see https://hkuspace.hku.hk/londonu These are exempted courses under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance. It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognise any qualification to which these courses may lead.
更多 Congratulations to our students receiving First Class Honours from the University of LondonNotice from the Director
The first priority of the School is to provide a high quality, safe and stimulating learning environment for all our students, full-time and part-time. This means that the classroom is a politically neutral space where participants leave behind their personal views and focus on the learning tasks in hand. I ask therefore that all students and teachers uphold this convention whilst in class so that all may give their uninterrupted attention to learning. Education is for all in a spirit of toleration and respect for each other, especially as we have a wide mix of individuals as our students.
更多 Notice from the DirectorCongratulations to our students receiving 1st class honours from the University of London in 2018
We would like to congratulate the following students who studied the part-time and full-time supporting tuition courses at HKU SPACE and obtained 1st class honours. 2 LLB 1 BSc Accounting and Finance 1 BSc Business and Management You are welcome to study with us! For further details, please see http://hkuspace.hku.hk/londonu.
更多 Congratulations to our students receiving 1st class honours from the University of London in 2018-
連續十年獲頒 星鑽服務品牌
- 日期
- 2017年3月30日 (星期四)
學院連續十年獲星島日報頒發星鑽服務品牌選舉「最佳持續進修教育學府」服務大獎,表揚學院逾半世紀推動終身學習理念的努力。頒獎禮由學院院長李經文教授出席領獎。學院將繼續積極履行社會責任,提供優質及多元課程,以滿足社會需要及助個人發展。 更多 連續十年獲頒 星鑽服務品牌
- 日期
- 2017年3月15日 (星期三)
學院於本年3月15日接任為物流業新一任「過往資歷認可」的評估機構,為物流界業者提供資歷認可評估。 為慶祝物流業行業培訓諮詢委員會(諮委會)成立十周年,以及學院任物流業新一任「過往資歷認可」的評估機構,學院與諮委會合辦物流業「資歷架構」十周年慶典暨物流發展新里程研討會,以標誌物流業推行資歷架構的成果,並探討資歷架構與物流業未來發展的機遇及挑戰。 活動當日設有慶祝儀式、主題演講、小組分享及嘉許典禮等環節,並邀得航運交通界立法會議員易志明先生為主講嘉賓,探討物流業人才培訓的發展前景。其他業界翹楚亦會參與小組討論,從僱主、僱員、培訓機構、進修人士等不同角度,探討資歷架構在物流業的發展新里程。 詳情請瀏覽:https://hkuspace.hku.hk/rpl-logistics 更多 學院接任為物流業新一任「過往資歷認可」評估機構
- 日期
- 2017年2月27日 (星期一)
與世界其他大城市相較,香港獲評為擁有最發達、可靠、頻繁和完善的公共交通網絡。然而,路邊空氣污染問題及交通系統特別是汽車排放出來的廢氣,是香港面對空氣質素問題的一大挑戰。為了規管空氣污染及排碳量,使用低污染及低碳的汽車燃料,實是一個重要的議題。 由香港科技大學能源研究院及香港大學專業進修學院合辦的高層圓桌討論會已於2月27日舉行。香港科技大學機械及航空航天工程學系趙天壽教授、香港城市大學生物及化學系譚鳳儀教授、前環境局常任秘書長王倩儀女士為活動致歡迎辭。出席者包括政府、機構及業內相關人士。 兩場討論會分別由香港科技大學邵敏華教授及趙汝恒教授主持,參與討論的著名講者包括瑞典駐港領事館總領事賀思桐女士、SCANIA可持續發展方案總監馬山大先生,以及清華大學兼香港科技大學能源研究院客座教授李十中 ... 更多 低碳運輸高層圓桌討論會
- 日期
- 2017年1月25日 (星期三)
港大附屬學院學生會成員今年首次參加維多利亞公園農曆年宵市場,與大眾同慶雞年來臨。年宵攤位由十多名學生會成員組成,由攤位、瑞士卷攬枕,以至貼紙設計都一手包辦,在學習營銷之餘亦可以感受一下新年的氣氛。 在學院的「緣喜餅店」外,看到店面上掛著一個個巨型的雞尾包及瑞士卷形攬枕,參與的同學們表示,他們選擇雞尾包,並不只為呼應雞年的來臨,更加因為它意義深遠:「雞尾包是由製其他麵包時,剩下的材料混合而成的,所以我們香港人都應該學習如雞尾包精神,集合有用的東西,締造更美好的事情。」 於1月22日開張之日,學院校長陳龍生教授更與一眾教職員到場,與同學們一起切燒豬及剪綵,希望同學們事事順利、生意興隆。年宵攤位將會營業至1月28日,有興趣的人士歡迎蒞臨維多利亞公園農曆年宵市場173號攤位參觀。 港大附屬學院 ... 更多 港大附屬學院同學首次參與年宵市場
香港大學專業進修學院學生 獲頒倫敦大學一級榮譽學銜和勇奪全球第一
- 日期
- 2017年1月12日 (星期四)
香港大學專業進修學院(HKU SPACE) 與倫敦大學(倫大)每年均於一月假香港大學陸佑堂舉行倫大畢業典禮。今年1月8日,超過100 名透過HKU SPACE 修畢倫大國際課程的畢業生參加典禮,倫大校長Professor Sir Adrian Smith 及倫大國際課程總監Dr Mary Stiasny更來港出席典禮,親自為每位畢業生授憑。 今年有六位HKU SPACE學生獲頒倫敦大學一級榮譽學銜,分別來自電算及資訊系統學理學士、會計及金融學理學士和商業學理學士課程,當中電算及資訊系統學和會計及金融學理學士畢業生更於其學科考試中,擊敗全球多名考生勇奪全球第一。 更多 香港大學專業進修學院學生 獲頒倫敦大學一級榮譽學銜和勇奪全球第一
香港大學專業進修學院企業傳訊經理 林銘儀小姐
Tel: 2975 5854
Fax: 2546 9835
Email: cherie.lam@hkuspace.hku.hk
香港大學專業進修學院市場傳訊助理 黃思婷小姐
Tel: 2910 7586
Fax: 2546 9835
Email: stella.wong@hkuspace.hku.hk