
Hong Kong is situated at the centre of Asia, a strategic location for international logistics and trade. The logistics and transport industries are therefore vital to Hong Kong’s success. Trade and business cannot excel without efficient supply chain management. HKU SPACE has been offering logistics, transport, maritime, aviation and supply chain management programmes for more than 30 years to facilitate those interested to acquire the necessary vocational and professional knowledge and qualification to join or further develop in this industry. The programmes offered in these disciplines range from certificate, diploma, bachelor, and master degree level and most of these receive professional accreditation from The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport. Graduates of the Professional Diploma in Logistics and Transport Management are fully exempted from the educational requirements for Chartered Membership (CMILT). This makes studying this programme as one of the most popular routes to acquire this professional qualification.
The Centre is headed by Professor Dorothy Chan, Hon FCILT who is well connected with the industry and served as the International President of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in 2012-2013. She received the Bronze Bauhinia Star from the Hong Kong Government for her meritorious service in transport. Also, Mr. Leung Kong Yui, Associate Head is the former President of the Hong Kong Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport. Our supply chain and logistics programmes are managed by Mr Jonathan Ho, Associate Head of College of Business and Finance.
Our programmes are supported by Serco Group (HK) Limited and SynCab which offers summer placement for full-time students and sponsorships for talks and small-scale studies on topical issues on transport and logistics.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) - Logistics Industry
List of Internship Positions related to Modern Logistics (19.09.2024)
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