傳承中醫文化,普及中醫藥養生保健知識,推廣身心健康理念;提升香港中醫師專業質素,推動中西醫學協作,培養中醫藥人才;這是HKU SPACE中醫科目組別30年來始終不變的願景和努力方向。我們的課程堅持學術質素保證,並强調理論與實踐相結合。十年來,我們為中醫師提供疼痛、腫瘤、婦科、針灸、推拿等專科深造課程,為香港醫院管理局醫護人員提供中醫知識普及,為物理治療師提供針灸培訓,為大衆提供中醫學、中醫營養、美容、針灸推拿保健、中藥配劑等學習機會。
- 排序方式
- 課程名稱
Programme Intended Learning Outcomes
On completion of the programme, students should be able to
1. Evaluate western medicine’s perspective on pain physiology and pathology, pain management, application of medicine and nonpharmacological management;
2. Evaluate Chinese medicine’s perspective and theories on pain causes, and how it treats acute and chronic pain;
3. Analyse the diagnosis and management of common clinical pain disorders in both Chinese and western medicine;
4. Assess the prospects of collaboration in pain management between Chinese and western medicine.
This programme consists of two parts. Each part consists of one module. Students who have completed one module of Part 1 can choose to exit the programme. Completion of one module will lead to a Certificate in Acupuncture. Upon successful completion of Part 1 and Part 2, students will be awarded a Diploma in Clinical Acupuncture.
Part 1: HK$24,000
Part 2: HK$34,600*【$32,720 (Course fee) + $1,880 (Practicum fee)】
(excluding accommodation, travelling and meal expenses)
*The total course fee is reviewed annually and is subject to change without prior notice.