會計及金融 金融科技及金融分析
Applied Learning (ApL) is an integral part of the elective subjects of the senior secondary curriculum to complete the senior secondary school subjects. ApL is designed to meet students’ interest and inclination which aims to provide students with the opportunities to explore their lifelong learning and career aspirations.
The programme aims to provide fundamental knowledge on fintech, digital currencies, coding and applications of blockchain technology in business and finance. The programme develops students with basic coding skills in fintech and put them into practice in finance.
Course Highlights
HKMA Site Visit (Dec 2024)
Cyberport Visit (Aug 2024)
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Guest Lecture ‐ Career Development in FinTech (25 May 2024)
by Dr Albert Lam, Chief Technology Officer & Chief Scientist, Fano Labs
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HKMA Site Visit (Dec 2023)
課程結構 Programme Structure
The programme consists of 180 hours (60 lessons) and is divided into 4 modules.
學習成效 Learning Outcomes
- 完成本課程後,學生應能:
Upon completion of the course, students should be able to:- ✅ 描述金融科技市場環境及金融科技術語;
- describe the fintech landscape and fintech terminology;
- ✅ 描述金融市場主要參與者、金融監管制度及投資者保障;
- describe major participants in the financial market, financial regulatory system and investor protection;
- ✅ 應用金融概念於個人理財;
- apply financial concepts in personal finance;
- ✅ 於金融情境中編寫程式,以展示解難能力;
- demonstrate problem-solving skills through coding in a finance context;
- ✅ 描述金融行業的專業操守,並展示正面的價值觀及
- describe the work ethics and demonstrate positive values in the finance industry;
- ✅ 提升相關範疇之升學及就業發展所需的自我認知。
- develop self-understanding for further studies and career development in the related field.
評核 Assessment
包括筆試 、實習、專題報告及口頭匯報。
Includes written test, practical exercise, project and presentation.
學銜 Award
Students who successfully complete the programme (have at least 80% attendance and achieve qualified results in assessment tasks) will be awarded “Certificate in Introduction to Fintech (Senior Secondary Applied Learning) (QF Level 3)” within the HKU system through HKU SPACE.
評分準則 Guidelines for Grading
金融科技入門(高中應用學習)證書 ‐ 評分準則
Certificate in Introduction to Fintech (Senior Secondary Applied Learning) ‐ Guidelines for Grading
Students’ course grades are approved by the Board of Examiners of HKU SPACE, the decisions of which are final. Students’ performance in a course is generally classified into the grades listed below.
Grade 等級 |
Marks 分數 |
Grade Definition 等級標準 |
Grade Descriptors 等級指標 |
A | 80-100 | Excellent 優異 |
Work that demonstrates a superior understanding of the subject matter, being able to develop in-depth solutions to related problems, and with evidence of an extensive knowledge base, original thinking, the capacity to make critical evaluations, and very good organization and presentation. 顯示學員對學科內容高度理解,並能就相關的問題提出深入的解決方法,同時證明學員有廣泛的知識、原創思維、提出具批判性評論的能力,及非常良好的組織和表達能力。 |
B | 70-79 | Good 良好 |
Work that demonstrates a good understanding of the subject matter, being able to develop solutions to related problems, and with evidence of critical capacity and accuracy, analytical ability, a reasonable understanding of issues and clear organization and presentation. 顯示學員對學科內容有良好的理解,能就相關的問題提出相關的解決方法,同時證明學員對事物有準確的判斷及分析能力,對事情有適當的理解,組織有條理並表達清晰。 |
C |
60-69 | Satisfactory 滿意 |
Work that demonstrates a sufficient understanding of the subject matter, being able to develop rudimentary solutions to related problems and with evidence of some attempts at analytical thinking, and average presentation and accuracy. 顯示學員對學科內容充分理解,能就相關的問題提出基本的解決方法,同時證明學員曾嘗試分析思考,及有一般水平的表達能力和準確度。 |
D | 50-59 | Pass 合格 |
Work that demonstrates a basic familiarity with the subject matter, and with evidence of marginal accuracy, acceptable presentation and organization. 顯示學員對學科內容有基本的認知,同時證明學員有最低限度的準確度及可接受的組織和表達能力。 |
U | 0-49 | Fail 不合格 |
Work showing little evidence of familiarity with the subject matter, with poor accuracy, presentation and/or organization. 顯示學員對學科內容缺乏理解,並欠缺準確的表達及/或組織能力。 |
報名代碼 | 730 | - |
The programme can be delivered in either English or Cantonese, depending on the number of applicants.
上課模式 Class Mode
- 模式一 Mode 1
- 逢星期六上午或下午上課,或全日上課,每課3小時,於香港大學專業進修學院教學中心上課,部份課堂亦會安排於暑假進行。
3 hours lesson in every Saturday morning or afternoon, or full day lesson at HKU SPACE Learning Centres. Summer class will be arranged. - 模式二 Mode 2
- 由有關中學及香港大學專業進修學院安排,可選擇於平日及/或週六上課,視乎有關設施及器材需要,部份課堂會於香港大學專業進修學院教學中心上課,部份課堂亦會安排於暑假進行。
Arranged by the secondary school concerned and HKU SPACE; class can be arranged on weekday and/or Saturday. Depends on the equipment/facility needed, some lessons may be held at HKU SPACE Learning Centre. Summer class will be arranged.
申請人必須為中三或中四學生。 中三學生可以提前申請,但在應用學習課程開課時, 他們必須是中四學生。而中四學生可以選擇在中四或中五時學習該課程。
Applicants shall be Secondary 3 or Secondary 4 students. Secondary 3 students can apply in advance but they must be in Secondary 4 when the Applied Learning course starts. Whereas Secondary 4 students can choose to study the course either in Secondary 4 or when they reach Secondary 5.
- 學生須於每年2月至4月中透過所屬中學向教育局申請,詳情請參考教育局網頁並向所屬中學查詢。
- Students must submit their application through their secondary schools from mid February to mid April. Please refer to the Education Bureau's website and contact your secondary school for details.
- 應用學習 - 教育局 | Applied Learning - Education Bureau
Course fee will be subsidized by secondary school and the Education Bureau.
Course fee is HK$18,000 and paid by 2 installments.
For class mode 2, course fee will be partially exempted according to the teaching venue and teaching support provided by the partner secondary school.
- 更多課程關於
- 金融科技及金融分析