Chinese Medicine Acupuncture and Tui-Na
Acupuncture and Tui-Na
Acupuncture and Tui-na are traditional Chinese medicine treatments. They utilize the meridian, Qi, and blood theory. Due to the low side effects, these therapies are gaining popularity globally. The knowledge can benefit the medical professionals in clinical practice and the public in health-wellness. HKU SPACE has been offering acupuncture and Tui-na programms since the 1990s. In the diversified acupuncture and Tui-na programmes, students can learn the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine and the knowledge of meridian and acupoints, master the specific techniques of acupuncture and Tui-na, and analyze the application of acupuncture and Tui-na in common diseases.
Most programmes are subsidized by the Continuing Education Fund.
Acupuncture and Tui-Na Programmes
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This programme consists of two parts. Each part consists of one module. Students who have completed one module of Part 1 can choose to exit the programme. Completion of one module will lead to a Certificate in Acupuncture. Upon successful completion of Part 1 and Part 2, students will be awarded a Diploma in Clinical Acupuncture.
Part 1: HK$24,000
Part 2: HK$34,600*【$32,720 (Course fee) + $1,880 (Practicum fee)】
(excluding accommodation, travelling and meal expenses)
*The total course fee is reviewed annually and is subject to change without prior notice.
一. 闡述和操作傳統針刺補瀉手法;
二. 述說和操作鄭魁山教授家傳針法;及
三. 分析傳統針刺手法及鄭氏治病八法在臨床部分病種中的應用。
^ 選修臨床實習,須另外繳付實習費用港幣5,500。