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Going Green: Introducing E-Version Only Prospectus to Reduce Paper Consumption

08 Dec 2023 (Fri)
Press Release

In line with our commitment to minimising our environmental impact and embracing the growing prevalence of online technology, starting from this issue, our prospectus will be published exclusively in electronic format. We aim to significantly reduce our consumption of paper and contribute to the conservation of precious natural resources. This decision aligns with our values that strive to promote environmental consciousness and sustainable practices.

The e-version of our prospectus will be easily accessible on our website, providing a convenient and user-friendly experience for all prospective students and stakeholders. This digital format will not only reduce our ecological footprint but also enable us to deliver up-to-date information and dynamic content in a more efficient and timely manner.

We would like to express our gratitude to our students and stakeholders for their support and understanding as we make this transition. Together, we can contribute to a more sustainable world.

Please click here to download the Prospectus