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Political Sciences and Public Administration Series

The Political and Public Administration Course Series includes nine face-to-face Certificate for Modules (30 hours each) courses.  In addition to university lecturers, secondary school teachers, parents, and ordinary citizens who are interested in Chinese Politics, Hong Kong Politics, Governance in Greater China: Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau,  Wars and Rebellions in Late Qing Dynasty, The Second Sino-Japanese War 1931-1945, Hong Kong in the Second World War 1941-1945, China's Foreign Policy and Relations, Introduction to Governance and Public Administration, and Political Psychology are all welcomed to enrol in these courses. 

Exactly because of the comprehensive scope of politics and governance, they can be highly subjectively treated. Politics can be a highly objective academic discipline, backed up by rigorous literature review, accurate event descriptions, and objective political analyses. 

As a political scientist and an academic for 30 years, Professor Sonny Lo will offer some advice to us on how we can analyze, understand and cope with political topics and issues more skillfully and objectively. He will put forward some scenarios for students' thinking, suggested solutions, and discussions. Students will find these courses interesting, interactive, academic, practical, and rewarding.

This programme is designed for learners who would like to better understand Chinese politics, by exploring and examining the political culture and key issues of the country, including the historical background of the Chinese political system, the roles of the party and the state, the style of political leadership, the forms of popular participation and Chinese foreign policy. The focus of this programme is on political change. The political thoughts of Mao Zedong and other Chinese leaders, notably Deng Xiaoping and Xi Jinping, will be examined. 
Start To be advised
Duration 30 hours
Fee HK$7,800
This programme is designed for learners who would like to investigate and discuss the contemporary politics of Hong Kong after its sovereignty change from Britain to China on July 1, 1997. Special areas include Beijing’s policy towards Hong Kong and how the development of the political parties, interest groups, the rise of localism, and the international concerns about Hong Kong affect the local politics. The roles of the Chief Executive, the Legislative and the local District Councils in Hong Kong’s political development and governance will also be discussed.
Start To be advised
Duration 30 hours
Fee HK$7,800
The objective of this programme is to introduce to students the key issues shaping governance and politics in Greater China, which includes Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. The inter-connectedness among the governing institutions, political leadership, economic development and economic integration will be discussed. Other topics include ideological differences, social identity, law and order, cross-border crime control, intergovernmental relations, and the politics of planning and infrastructure development are also covered.
Start To be advised
Duration 30 hours
Fee HK$7,800
The study of wars and rebellions in the Qing dynasty is important for students to explore how China during the nineteenth century was invaded and humiliated by foreign powers and how dynastic decline resulted in the downfall of the Qing regime. This programme aims at studying the dynamics of wars and rebellions in China under the Qing dynasty, focusing on the causes, the processes, impacts and the implications of these wars and rebellions from a historical perspective. The military dynamics of wars and rebellions and their political consequences on the Qing dynasty will be discussed.
Start To be advised
Duration 30 hours
Fee HK$7,800
War studies are historically, socially and politically significant from an interdisciplinary perspective. This programme aims to equip students with the knowledge of The Second Sino-Japanese War from 1931 to 1945, by examining the past geopolitical conflicts and inter-state power struggles, in which their triggers, features, impact will be identified and analysed, The main events, the crucial stages and the victory of the war will be discussed.
Start To be advised
Duration 30 hours
Fee HK$7,800
War studies are historically, socially and politically significant from an interdisciplinary perspective. The battle of Hong Kong in December 1941 was also militarily, historically and politically significant. Through the study of the battle of Hong Kong and its details and impacts from a historical perspective, and examination and visits of the military sites in Hong Kong, this programme aims at equipping students with the knowledge of the painful experience as well as the endurance of ordinary citizens during the Japanese occupation period, and inspiring students to understand Chinese history in a deeper way.
Start To be advised
Duration 30 hours
Fee HK$7,800
This programme aims at introducing to students the strategies of Chinese foreign policy. Topics include the continuities and changes in Chinese foreign policy from the Mao Zedong to the post-Mao era, the Chinese leadership priorities, China’s role in the world economy, military relations and culture, and Chinese national security policies.  China’s relations with the United States, Beijing-Taipei relations, China’s relations with Korea and Japan, China’s relations with Russia and North Korea, China’s relations with Southeast Asian and the Pacific Islands, China’s relations with Australia and New Zealand, China’s relations with African states, and China’s relations with the Middle East and Latin America, will be discussed.
Start To be advised
Duration 30 hours
Fee HK$7,800
This programme applies various topics with country cases to study comparative politics. Its focus is to study state institutions and policy process from a global and comparative perspective to explain similarities and differences of different policy systems and developmental changes among them. This programme aims to equip students with knowledge of the nature and function of political frameworks with topics including power and authority; classifications of government; political culture, political parties, interest groups, electoral systems, voting, legislature, executive, the court, the military, political change, public policy, and international politics. A variety of countries will be used as case studies, including the United Kingdom, France, Canada, Germany, Japan, Russia, Cuba, India, China, the two Koreas, Kenya and Nigeria.
Start 11 JAN 2025 (SAT)
Duration 30 hours
Fee HK$7,800
This programme aims at introducing students to the psychological origins of political behaviours and the dynamics of political change and development. The essential elements of political psychology with topics including personality and politics, the study of political leaders, social identity and attitudes, the political psychology of groups, voting behaviours, the media and public opinion, the political psychology of race and ethnicity, the political psychology of nationalism, the psychology of political extremism, and the political psychology of international conflicts and security, including the question of deterrence, will be examined.
Start 19 OCT 2024 (SAT)
Duration 30 hours
Fee HK$7,800


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