韓語證書(入門)-Introductory Korean (Part 1) 學生分享
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- 韓語證書(入門)-Introductory Korean (Part 1) 學生分享

韓語證書(入門)-Introductory Korean (Part 1) 學生分享
Chan Yuen Ting Stephanie
Are you a K-pop enthusiast? Perhaps you have a chance to meet your idol through video call events, just like I did. However, you may feel disappointed if you can't communicate effectively with them due to a language barrier. I felt the same way and decided to start learning Korean.
The course I enrolled in was well-structured, and the teacher was both patient and understanding. They made sure that every student in the class was keeping up with the lessons.
Now, I am able to communicate with my idol in short and simple sentences, which is a significant improvement for me. With dedication and practice, I am confident that my Korean proficiency will continue to improve.
Tse Hoi Kei Emily
Do you like travelling to Korea? Do you like K-pop music? Do you like watching Korean dramas and movies? Do you like interacting with Song Junggi? Do you like having bibimbap?
If you have answered a “yes” to any one of the above questions, you should come and study Korean. Please act quickly and join us in the Introductory Korean (Part 1) class organized by HKU SPACE.
With the well-organized course, beginners can learn the Korean Alphabet quickly. You will be able to greet your friends in Korean, read the lyrics and sing together with your beloved Korean idols, understand Korean dramas and movies better, and order food when travelling to Korea.
I hope that this inspires you to pursue your Korean language studies. Let’s go for it!
Ho Kin Ying Kendra
My experience at HKU SPACE Korean Programme for Introductory Korean (Part 1) has been so fun and rewarding.
Our teacher is a native Korean speaker who is patient and encouraging, making the classes enjoyable and easy to follow. The programme focuses on practical language skills, teaching us how to construct basic sentences and engage in simple conversations. The classes are interactive and offer plenty of opportunities to practice speaking and listening, which has helped me to gain confidence in my abilities.
Overall, this programme has been a great way to start learning Korean and has given me the tools to continue my language journey.
Yim Shui Bun
疫情過後,我報讀了HKU SPACE的韓語證書 (入門)課程,此門課由和藹可親的韓國老師親自面授,老師除了循序漸進地教授韓語的基本發音,句法外,亦經常介紹只有韓國人才知道的有趣文化,如韓國人不會直呼愛人做「老公」(남편)或「老婆」(아내)等,也讓我們接觸韓國傳統的遊戲,非常有趣。
Yip Lai Ching Christy
在此我要感恩遇上好老師Ms Kim,希望對韓文有興趣的你們,快點加入我們這個大家庭吧!
Tsang Yik Tsz Michelle
Chan Sze Long
I started learning Korean from teacher Kevin 3 months ago. In fact, I have been interested in Korean since 2014 due to the hot TV drama “My Love From the Star”.
In this course, “Introductory Korean (Part 1)”, I found it very difficult to memorize Korean vocabulary at first. But having Teacher Kevin’s tips in mind, I realized the close relationship of “Bat-chim” between Cantonese and Korean, which makes my learning process much easier!
I will try to apply what I have learnt on my coming trip to Korea and I wish I could communicate with my Korean friend very soon!
Ko Suk Fan
大家好!我想向大家分享一下我為什麼要在HKU SPACE學習韓語的感想!
由於我很喜歡去韓國旅行,但無奈地看不懂韓文,最初我都有嘗試透過網上學習及方間韓語會話書自學韓語,但慢慢發覺有些韓語問題無法於自學中解決,身邊又沒有朋友可以問,所以學習時常間斷,開始有些想放棄的時候,給我遇上報章上有介紹HKU SPACE有辦韓國初班,於是本着最後一試的心態嘗試報讀。
上課之後,發現HKU SPACE的韓語課程真的很有系統,令我明白了韓文字及發音的正確方法,由淺入深,而且老師利用很多實用又有趣的韓語對答,增加學習趣味,加上有問題也可以隨時解答,比起在家自學有問題又沒有人能即時解釋好很多,我通過了練習及堂上韓語對答,對韓語對答有了很大信心,現在我去韓國旅行也能簡單地溝通了,真的很有滿足感,我之後也會努力考取下一次的韓語課程。
Yu Nga Man
HKU SPACE的韓語配套非常充足,ViVi老師用心教導,課堂學習氣氛良好。老師更預備不少額外知識的筆記,以及設立群組,讓我們在課堂時間外學習更多韓國文化知識。每星期都十分期待上ViVi老師的課堂。除此之外,HKU SPACE更有韓語網上學習平台(E-Learning),課後時間都可以運用平台資源,溫故知新。
能夠在旅行或日常娛樂上運用自己所學到的韓語,是一件非常之有滿足感的事情。假若你也對韓國文化有興趣,不妨到HKU SPACE學習韓語,相信能提升自己韓語水平之餘,更學習到不少韓國當地文化。
Chan Ka Yi