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學習瑞典語的 5 大理由

1) 北歐語言及文化的鑰匙


2) 瑞典式的幸福探索


3) 藝術與博物館愛好者的聖地


4) 別樹一格的飲食文化

您絕對無法抗拒瑞典美食,例如 semlor、janssons frestelse 和 Västerbottensostpaj,於瑞典飲食文化中您常常會對傳統食材與新創意烹調的配合感到驚訝。

5) 對全球不同領域的影響力




This course is designed to cater for complete beginners of the Swedish language. The course will offer students a first taste of Swedish, focusing on oral communication, basic grammar and lexicon. The students will practise the language in an interactive class environment, whilst at the same time learning a little about the culture of Sweden and its habitants. The course is not exam-based.

Why Swedish?
  • It’s a key to Scandinavian languages and Northern Europe
  • Sweden is one of the top 10 happiest countries along with some other Northern European countries
  • Sweden is a mecca for interior design and fashion lovers
  • Strong prominence around the world with different famous brands in various fields such as furniture and clothing.
Start To be advised
Duration 10 weeks
Fee HK$3,350
This course continues on from Beginners´ Swedish. Through our immersive and communicative methodology, the participants can enjoy plenty of opportunities to listen to and speak the Swedish language whilst improving grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation at the same time. Topics include directions around town, transport, talking about food, time, daily routines and family. The students will keep practising the language in an interactive class environment, while learning about the culture of the Swedish-speaking world (with continuous references to Sweden, Åland Islands and Finland). There is a relaxed and supportive learning environment and the course is not exam-based.
Start To be advised
Duration 10 weeks
Fee HK$3,350
This course continues on from Beginners' Swedish 2 and is designed for beginners who already possess a basic knowledge of Swedish and want to continue their learning. Students will move into an A1.2 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and practise the four skills: listening, reading, speaking and writing. They will learn to use the structures of Preteritum (Past form) and Futurum (future form), personal pronouns (subjects and objects), how to talk about plans on phone, etc. Students will gain more exposure to the Swedish culture in a relaxed and supportive learning environment, and the course is not exam-based.
Start To be advised
Duration 10 weeks
Fee HK$3,550
This course continues on from Beginners‘ Swedish 3 and is designed for beginners who already possess a basic knowledge of Swedish and want to continue their learning. Students will enter the last stage of A1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and practise the four skills: listening, reading, speaking and writing. They will learn to use the structures of reflexive pronouns and verbs, past perfect (pluskvamperfekt), subordinate clauses (bisats), etc. Students will gain more exposure to the Swedish culture in a relaxed and supportive learning environment, and the course is not exam-based.
Start To be advised
Duration 10 weeks
Fee HK$3,650
This course continues on from the previous series Beginners' Swedish 1, 2, 3 and 4. It is designed for students who already possess a basic knowledge of Swedish and would like to continue their learning. Students will begin with the A2.1 level according to the CEFR, practising the four skills: listening, reading, speaking and writing. They will explore more about word formation, especially substantives, definite plural forms and prepositions such as “på” and “i”. There will be a relaxed and supportive learning environment. The course is not exam-based.
Start To be advised
Duration 10 weeks
Fee HK$3,950
This course continues on from our series Beginners' Swedish and Intermediate Swedish 1. It is designed for students who already possess a basic knowledge of the Swedish language (written and spoken) and wish to continue their learning. Students will learn more aspects of Swedish culture and will practise the four skills: listening, reading, speaking and writing. They will study the use of adjectives, “vilken” in questions and exclamation, and reflexive possessive pronouns, covering topics such as shopping and work. There will be a relaxed and supportive learning environment, and the course is not exam-based.
Start To be advised
Duration 10 weeks
Fee HK$3,980
This course is designed to let students learn some simple Swedish words and phrases through the process of simple art making (clay/ painting). Students can gain some exposure to the Swedish culture and design while having a first taste of the northern European language. They can bring home the DIY art products and add some Northern European flair to their home décor.

Why Swedish?
  • It’s a key to Scandinavian languages and Northern Europe
  • Sweden is a one of the top 10 happiest countries along with some other Northern European countries
  • Sweden is a mecca for interior design and fashion lovers
  • Strong prominence around the world with different famous brands in various fields such as furniture and clothing.
Start To be advised
Duration 2 weeks
Fee HK$900
  • 向學生介紹一些簡單的短語和句子,用於基本對話,例如:自我介紹、問候、預訂酒店房間、點餐和飲料、問路、談論工作、喜好和假期等。
  • 教授用於簡單交流的基本語法和詞彙,例如現在式、形容詞、冠詞、基本情態動詞和方位介詞等。
  • 讓學員從清晰且緩慢的日常對話中聽取內容,提升其聆聽方面的技巧和自信。
  • 介紹不同方面的瑞典文化,如飲食、問候語、節日和地域等。
  • 使學員能夠從非常簡單的文本中提取資訊,例如表格、功能表和簡短的文章,並能書寫簡短的電子郵件或訊息,以及填寫表格上的資料,例如酒店登記表。
開課日期 待定
修業期 40個星期
課程費用 HK$9,800


訂閱 學院電子通訊