HKU SPACE Law: A Few Months to Australia
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- HKU SPACE Law: A Few Months to Australia

HKU SPACE Law: A Few Months to Australia
"The Graduate Diploma in English and Hong Kong Law covered almost all the subjects needed to enrol in the Australian equivalent of the PCLL, a vocational law course called Practical Legal Training which enables you to qualify as a lawyer. All I needed to do was complete three more subjects in legal ethics and Australian constitutional and administrative law which only took me a few months. I plan to practice as a lawyer focussing on migration law in Melbourne, an area where there is a huge market and I can help asylum seekers and refugees."
A former banker in Hong Kong, Wade Ho used his studies at HKU SPACE on the Graduate Diploma in English and Hong Kong Law and the LLB (Hons) Hong Kong as a pathway towards qualifying as a lawyer in Melbourne.
Click here for more on HKU SPACE's pathways to a legal career in Australia.

Studying law at HKU SPACE helped me edit the SCMP
HKU SPACE: One of the Best Decisions I Ever Made