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如何使用RAG 建立內部聊天機器人(檢索增強生成)(2024年6月11日)


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  • 2024年6月11日 (星期二)13:00 - 13:30
    如何使用RAG 建立內部聊天機器人(檢索增強生成)(2024年6月11日)
    • Mr Clive Yip

    Mr Clive Yip

    Mr. Yip is a practitioner in Data Analytics. He has 10 years of experience in both Big 4 consulting firms and multinational companies. He is currently working as a Senior Data Analytics Consultant in a leading insurance company, using Python, SQL and other Big Data technologies to analyse and monitor any non-compliance or fraudulent activities. He has a Master’s degree in Information Technology from HKUST and a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Southern California. Before entering the data analytics field, he worked as a financial auditor in Ernst and Young and is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) in Hong Kong and Canada.

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