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「和諧粉彩」(Pastel Nagomi Art)由日本細谷典克先生於2003年創立。日文Nagomi意即「和」,有和諧之意。它奇特處是不懂繪畫也能畫出燃亮內心與亮麗他人的療癒畫作,有效釋放情緒。
開課日期 2024年7月6日 (星期六)
修業期 2日12小時
課程費用 HK$1,980
視覺藝術是教育局八個學習領域中重點科目,涵蓋中小學。本課程主要加強視覺藝術教育的研習,增進視藝科教學的知識、技能、價值與態度。內容包括視覺藝術創作及視覺藝術評賞、行政管理、教材設計、創意教室、新思維跨科協作及活動、駐校藝術家及藝術推廣,視藝科如何照顧多元學習需要學生等,務求拉闊學員的美感教育新視野。學員修畢課程,可獲頒發HKU SPACE「修讀證明書」,亦可申請香港美術教育協會(HKSEA)「視覺藝術教學研習坊」證書。
開課日期 2024年7月7日 (星期日)
修業期 4日
課程費用 HK$2500

桌遊(亦稱 Board Games) 治療是遊戲治療的一種,主要從遊戲中的角色扮演、談判、協商、交易、擬定策略等技巧,進而開展心理輔導、情緒治療、生涯規劃和社交訓練。

開課日期 2024年7月13日 (星期六)
修業期 2日
課程費用 HK$2100
開課日期 2024年7月22日 (星期一)
修業期 六課共18小時
課程費用 HK$1980




開課日期 2024年8月10日 (星期六)
修業期 2日
課程費用 HK$1980
開課日期 2024年8月29日 (星期四)
修業期 4個星期
課程費用 HK$1,850

This course is designed for teachers and students who have to teach or produce advanced written texts for academic, professional or research purposes. The focus is on using product-focused, process-oriented and genre-based approaches to generate plain English texts that conform to academic and discipline-oriented standards in terms of genre conventions, rhetorical structures and discoursal features.  The instructor will demonstrate how to deconstruct and analyse model texts, journal articles and research papers in diverse contexts, invoke analytical thinking skills and develop effective instructional strategies on writing pedagogy. Participants will receive constructive feedback and suggestions on their writing products.

Start 06 SEP 2024 (FRI)
Duration 25 hours
Fee HK$3000
Grammar is the basic framework and foundation for learning English as a second or foreign language. Without knowing the rules of grammar, using English language to communicate meanings precisely and concisely would be challenging. This course makes grammar learning much simpler and easier for learners of different age groups and language competencies by using traditional and innovative methods of “Prescriptive and Functional Grammar”. It will enable ESL/EFL teachers and students to construct English sentences accurately and fluently and communicate meanings efficiently and effectively. Applying grammatical rules correctly facilitates communications, creates meaningful texts and powerful rhetoric for academic and professional purposes.
Start 25 SEP 2024 (WED)
Duration 5 weeks
Fee HK$2450
開課日期 2024年9月26日 (星期四)
修業期 1年至3年
課程費用 註冊費 $400
特殊教育(讀寫障礙) $6600
認識及支援專注力不足及過度活躍學童 $4350
認識及支援資優學童 $4350
認識及支援自閉症譜系障礙學童 $4350
聽覺健康及支援聽覺受損學童 $4350

The course is designed for teachers, students, educational and social sciences professionals who intend to accomplish a research project or to study a course that requires research skills.  It aims to enable participants to acquire the knowledge and expertise required for conducting research and writing research proposals and reports. The participants will learn to identify the knowledge gap, define the research problem, frame the research question, review relevant literature, choose a suitable research design (qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods), collect quantitative and qualitative data, analyse them and evaluate their validity and reliability. Finally, the  course will enable the participant to write the research proposal and also report the research findings in discipline-specific genres by using academic language in order that their research could contribute to knowledge creation and development.

Start 26 SEP 2024 (THU)
Duration 6 weeks
Fee HK$2900


訂閱 學院電子通訊