Computing and Data Science Cyber Security
Technology keeps impacting the real and virtual world. Given a surge in digital security threats like fraud emails, ransomware, and DDoS attacks, the booming in the field makes information security an exciting and lucrative career choice.
Programme Overview
This programme aims to enhance students’ comprehension of fundamental concepts, principles, and theories in computer & information security, which has been spurred by the pervasive use of computer-based applications such as information systems, databases, and computer programming. Students are also given an understanding of computer system and architecture, access control mechanisms, cryptography algorithms, software security, physical security, security management and risk management as well as computer forensics.
As information security risks rise, no business organization would like to spend extra time and money identifying and responding to the results of those risks. Business organizations should seek to implement certain practices in the information security procedures to prevent, protect, detect, and respond to those risks. Well-qualified and trained information security specialists are highly demanded so as to maintain hardware security equipment, monitor information access by setting up authentication systems, and protect the information systems from intruders. This programme is designed to provide students with the fundamental concepts of computer and information security which enable them to advance in their information security careers.
Intended Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the programme, students should be able to:
- Apply the fundamental concepts, principles and theories of computer & information security to solve basic security problems;
- Describe the information assurance in the context of computer operating systems, information systems, networks and computer applications;
- Use English (oral and written) to communicate ideas in social and academic contexts;
- Describe the importance, scope, and challenges of information security and perform information systems design and development;
- Perform structured computer programming development, basic computer forensic investigation, basic database application development and simple network setup; and
- Apply appropriate information security solutions to manage and secure the information systems.
News about Cyber Security Industry in Hong Kong:
企業防禦措施有落後趨勢 (香港經濟日報 2023-04-29)
思科:僅9%香港企業做好網絡安全準備 (PC Market 2023-04-11)
微軟發表生成式 AI 安全產品 Security Copilot (PC Market 2023-03-29)
Check Point 保安報告:2022 年惡意軟件激增 (PC Market 2023-03-13)
港人網上密碼使用習慣欠佳 (PC Market 2022-11-24)
何謂「安全密碼」? (PC Market 2022-08-16)
網絡保安待加強 專才需求趨殷切 (灼見經濟 2020-01-27)
5大最有前景行業2020 網絡保安、大數據分析缺人才 轉工薪酬可高3成!(經濟一週 2020-01-12)
2020 年展望:明年網絡安全將何去何從?(unwire.pro 2020-01)
HKU SPACE 生命科學與科技在線 - 網絡保安分析師是如何練成?
Programme Details
Programme Structure
The programme consists of 10 compulsory modules and the teaching hour for each module is 36 hours.
Module No. |
Module Title |
1 |
Business Information Systems |
2 |
Systems Analysis and Design |
3 |
English for Academic and Professional Purposes |
4 |
Introduction to Database Systems |
5 |
Introduction to Object-oriented Programming |
6 |
Computer and Information Security |
7 |
Fundamentals of Computer Networks |
8 |
Information Security Management Systems |
9 |
Introduction to Computer Forensics |
10 |
Computer Organization |
Students will be assessed by continuous coursework including lab worksheets, assignments, mid-term tests, and final examinations.
Application Code | 2285-IT051A | Apply Online Now |
Apply Online Now |
Modules & Class Details
IMAT3001 Business Information Systems
This module aims to provide students with an understanding of the roles played by information systems in organisations; an appreciation of how an information system is developed, the differences in different development approaches, and the management information systems function in organisations.
IMAT4007 Systems Analysis and Design
The module aims to provide students with various concepts, principles, and stages of business information systems analysis and design. It aims to provide students with skills in systems development as well as the different methods, tools, and techniques used in systems analysis and design.
IMAT4005 English for Academic and Professional Purposes
This module aims to equip students with advanced English language skills for academic and vocational purposes. It focuses on specific language skills required to understand academic research and write a research paper. Such skills include locating and screening relevant background information, skimming and detailed study of related literature, paraphrasing and summarizing, building up academic vocabulary and structural repertoire, and oral presentation on a journal article. This module will also enhance students' English language communication skills required in further university studies and/or joining the workplace.
IMAT4037 Introduction to Database Systems
This module aims to provide students with a comprehensive introduction to the large field of database systems. It provides a sound grounding in the foundations of database technology, complemented with many practical exercises and applications.
IMAT4038 Introduction to Object-oriented Programming
This module aims to provide students with initial experiences of programming and software engineering. Students will learn the features and facilities of an event-driven interactive development environment that uses a graphical user interface as a vehicle for implementation.
IMAT4039 Computer and Information Security
This module aims to provide students with the common computer systems and basic principles of security for IT and networked systems. It covers the key areas of security, including operating systems security, operations security and database security. It also aims to introduce the knowledge and skills relating to cryptography, Legal issues and Compliance.
IMAT4040 Fundamentals of Computer Networks
This module aims to provide students with the introduction of networking, including network models and protocols, routing of data and packet switching in computer network environment. It covers the topics of IP addressing and subnetting, the configuration of network devices, physical security, IP security, and Software Development Security.
IMAT4041 Information Security Management Systems
This module aims to provide students with the foundation knowledge of Information Security Management (ISM) and IT Governance in the business environment. It covers the knowledge to analyse information security risk and appreciate the policy versus technology trade-off in information security management system development.
IMAT4042 Introduction to Computer Forensics
This module aims to provide students with fundamental knowledge of computer forensics and cyber crime investigation. It covers the process of computer crime investigation and the required skill in collecting and preserving digital evidence.
IMAT4043 Computer Organization
This module aims to provide students with a basic understanding of the operation of the hardware components of computer systems and architecture, including data representations, memory and storage systems, basic computer logic and integrated devices.
Class Details
Class |
Time |
May 2025 |
C |
Monday (19:00-22:00) |
Introduction to Computer Forensics |
C |
Wednesday (19:00-22:00) |
Systems Analysis and Design |
Remark: The above schedule is tentative and is subject to change without prior notice.
Fee & Entry Requirements
Course Fee- HK$48,000 paid in 3 instalments.
Note: All fees are subject to change without prior notice.
Entry Requirements
Applicants shall:
(a) have gained in the HKDSE Examination Level 2 in 5 subjects, including English Language; or
(b) have gained in the HKALE Grade E in 1 AL or 2 AS subjects, and HKCEE Level 2 in English Language* or equivalent; or
(c) be aged at 21 or above with at least 1 year relevant work experience.
* With effect from 2007, HKU SPACE recognises Grade E previously awarded for English Language (Syllabus B) (Grade C in the case of English Language [Syllabus A]) in the HKCEE as an acceptable alternative to Level 2 in this subject in the HKCEE.
- The CEF Institution Code of HKU SPACE is 100
CEF Courses | ||
Advanced Diploma in Computer and Information Security 電腦及資訊保安高等文憑 |
COURSE CODE 36F105860 | FEES $48,000 | ENQUIRY 2587-3223 |
Business Information Systems (Module from Advanced Diploma in Computer and Information Security) | ||
COURSE CODE 36Z105871 | FEES $4,800 | ENQUIRY 2587-3223 |
Systems Analysis and Design (Module from Advanced Diploma in Computer and Information Security) | ||
COURSE CODE 36Z106126 | FEES $4,800 | ENQUIRY 2587-3223 |
English for Academic and Professional Purposes (Module from Advanced Diploma in Computer and Information Security) | ||
COURSE CODE 36Z10588A | FEES $4,800 | ENQUIRY 2587-3223 |
Introduction to Database Systems (Module from Advanced Diploma in Computer and Information Security) | ||
COURSE CODE 36Z105898 | FEES $4,800 | ENQUIRY 2587-3223 |
Introduction to Object-oriented Programming (Module from Advanced Diploma in Computer and Information Security) | ||
COURSE CODE 36Z105901 | FEES $4,800 | ENQUIRY 2587-3223 |
Computer and Information Security (Module from Advanced Diploma in Computer and Information Security) | ||
COURSE CODE 36Z10591A | FEES $4,800 | ENQUIRY 2587-3223 |
Fundamentals of Computer Networks (Module from Advanced Diploma in Computer and Information Security) | ||
COURSE CODE 36Z105928 | FEES $4,800 | ENQUIRY 2587-3223 |
Introduction to Computer Forensics (Module from Advanced Diploma in Computer and Information Security) | ||
COURSE CODE 36Z105944 | FEES $4,800 | ENQUIRY 2587-3223 |
Computer Organization (Module from Advanced Diploma in Computer and Information Security) | ||
COURSE CODE 36Z105952 | FEES $4,800 | ENQUIRY 2587-3223 |
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Continuing Education Fund This course has been included in the list of reimbursable courses under the Continuing Education Fund. |
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Continuing Education Fund Reimbursable Course (selected modules only) Some modules of this course have been included in the list of reimbursable courses under the Continuing Education Fund. |
Advanced Diploma in Computer and Information Security
Online Application Apply Now
Application Form Download Application Form
Enrolment MethodAll applicants are required to complete the Enrolment Form (SF26) or online Application Form and submit it with ONE set of the following supporting documents together with application fee of HK$150 to any of the HKUSPACE enrolment centres:
- Certified true copies of full educational certificates and transcripts; and
- Certified true copies of testimonials or other documentary proof of the applicant’s work experience (if any)
Certified true copies: Original supporting documents together with a set of their photocopies are required to be presented to any HKUSPACE enrolment centres for verification.
Module Exemption
Applicants must submit a separate module exemption application form together with the required supporting documents and a crossed cheque of HK$500 for EACH module exemption at least 14 working days before the module starts.
Payment Method1. Cash, EPS, WeChat Pay Or Alipay
Course fees can be paid by cash, EPS, WeChat Pay or Alipay at any HKU SPACE Enrolment Centres.
2. Cheque Or Bank draft
Course fees can also be paid by crossed cheque or bank draft made payable to “HKU SPACE”. Please specify the programme title(s) for application and applicant’s name. You may either:
- bring the completed form(s), together with the appropriate course or application fees in the form of a cheque, and any required supporting documents to any of the HKU SPACE enrolment centres;
- or mail the above documents to any of the HKU SPACE Enrolment Centres, specifying “Course Application” on the envelope. HKU SPACE will not be responsible for any loss of personal information and payment sent by mail.
3. VISA/Mastercard
Applicants may also pay the course fee by VISA or Mastercard, including the “HKU SPACE Mastercard”, at any HKU SPACE enrolment centres. Holders of the HKU SPACE Mastercard can enjoy a 10-month interest-free instalment period for courses with a tuition fee worth a minimum of HK$2,000; however, the course applicant must also be the cardholder himself/herself. For enquiries, please contact our staff at any enrolment centres.
4. Online Payment
Online application / enrolment is offered for most open admission courses (enrolled on first come, first served basis) and selected award-bearing programmes. Application fees and course fees of these programmes/courses can be settled by using "PPS by Internet" (not available via mobile phones), VISA or Mastercard. In addition to the aforesaid online payment channels, new and continuing students of award-bearing programmes with available online service, they may also pay their course fees by Online WeChat Pay, Online Alipay or Faster Payment System (FPS). Please refer to Enrolment Methods - Online Enrolment for details.
If the programme/course is starting within five working days, application by post is not recommended to avoid any delays. Applicants are advised to enrol in person at HKU SPACE Enrolment Centres and avoid making cheque payment under this circumstance.
Fees paid are not refundable except under very exceptional circumstances (e.g. course cancellation due to insufficient enrolment), subject to the School’s discretion. In exceptional cases where a refund is approved, fees paid by cash, EPS, WeChat Pay, Alipay, cheque, FPS or PPS by Internet will be reimbursed by a cheque, and fees paid by credit card will be reimbursed to the credit card account used for payment.
- In addition to the published fees, there may be additional costs associated with individual programmes. Please refer to the relevant course brochures or direct any enquiries to the relevant programme team for details.
- Fees and places on courses cannot be transferrable from one applicant to another. Once accepted onto a course, the student may not change to another course without approval from HKU SPACE. A processing fee of HK$120 will be levied on each approved transfer.
- HKU SPACE will not be responsible for any loss of payment, receipt, or personal information sent by mail.
- For payment certification, please submit a completed form, a sufficiently stamped and self-addressed envelope, and a crossed cheque for HK$30 per copy made payable to “HKU SPACE” to any of our enrolment centres.
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- Cyber Security Engineering