
学习西班牙语的 5 大理由:
1) 全球第二大母语
西班牙语是仅次於汉语的世界第二大母语,於西班牙和拉丁美洲的 19 个国家当中都拥有官方地位。
2) 通往罗曼语言的门户
至2023年为止,西班牙有 48 个联合国教科文组织遗产地,墨西哥则有 35 处,都拥有壮丽的景色和丰富的文化,即使只是会说一些简单的西班牙语也会让您与这些热情好客的西班牙语民族增添一份截然不同的联系。
如果您懂西班牙语,您不仅可以通过原文更了解巴勃罗·聂鲁达的诗歌和加夫列尔·加西亚·马尔克斯的《Cienaños de soledad》,还可以原著语言欣赏《Todosobre mi madre 》和《Mar adentro》等奥斯卡得奖影片。
5) 舞蹈和音乐爱好者的必备之选
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hkuspace_spanish/ (西班牙语)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hkuspace.spanish/ (西班牙语)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hkuspace.spanish/ (西班牙语)
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/european_hkuspace/ (欧洲语言)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hkuspace.european (欧洲语言)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hkuspace.european (欧洲语言)
13 项结果
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开课日期 2025年3月2日 (星期日)
修业期 120小时
课程费用 HK$9,350
本课程是为成功修毕「西班牙语证书(初级)」(Certificate in Spanish (Introductory))或相当於110至130小时的同等课程的学员而设的,旨在巩固学员的语言基础及加强其对相关语法的应用。在课程结束时,学员应该能够更有信心地以西班牙语谈论如家庭、朋友、休闲活动、饮食、过去和未来的情况等不同的主题。不论在阅读还是聆听方面,学员都应能掌握重点,还可以写一些简单的文本,例如明信片和电子邮件等。
开课日期 2025年4月12日 (星期六)
修业期 120小时
课程费用 HK$9,750
本课程是为完成了「西班牙语证书(中级)」 (Certificate in Spanish (Intermediate)) 或相当於230-250小时的同等课程的学员而设的,让他们在已建立的语言基础上加强语法及其他相关技巧。学员透过简单的讨论、角色扮演和小组活动等各不同形式的训练,以提升其讲说西班牙语的能力和自信。在课程结束时,学生应该能够用该语言表达简单的意见和感受以及谈论过去、现在和未来;他们还应该能够从简单的广告中读取信息,并使用多种动词时态在熟悉的话题上写作。
开课日期 2025年4月12日 (星期六)
修业期 40个星期
课程费用 HK$10,300
本课程是为成功修毕「西班牙语证书(中高级)」(Certificate in Spanish (Upper Intermediate))或相当於350至370小时的同等课程的学员而设的。学员将进一步深化其德语讲说技巧,表达对文化、体育、饮食、时事、地方活动、假期和当今世界的看法。学员将阅读更多真实的文本和作出回应,并以口语和书面形式发表评论。学员还会聆听歌曲和母语者的录音,如公共广播和详细的说明。在课程结束时,学生应该能够更详细且流畅地谈论各种主题,撰写不同类型文本,涉及更抽象的内容和文化问题,并能够在聆听清晰录音或阅读各类文本时总结主要观点。
开课日期 2025年4月14日 (星期一)
修业期 40个星期
课程费用 HK$10,300
This is an opportunity for advanced users of Spanish to develop their speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. The course design is based on a textbook, which is supplemented with authentic materials in teaching where appropriate, such as magazine and newspaper articles, film, TV and literature. The main focus is oral communication with practice in small groups. The medium of instruction is Spanish.
Start To be advised
Duration 20 weeks
Fee HK$5,300
This course is for complete beginners. It aims to be a simple introduction giving participants a taste for the Spanish language. There will be plenty of opportunities to listen and speak the language whilst learning the basics of Spanish pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary. The classroom atmosphere will be relaxed and supportive with practise is small groups using the latest interactive methodology. Topics include greetings, numbers, countries, nationalities, languages, talking about one's job, describing another person, asking and answering questions.
Start To be advised
Duration 10 weeks
Fee HK$3,350
This course is designed for students who have completed Beginners’ Spanish. There will be plenty of opportunities to listen and practice speaking the language whilst learning basic Spanish grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. Topics include describing friends and family, everyday language around town, colours and personal characteristics. Participants will also learn a little about the culture of the Spanish- speaking world. The classroom atmosphere will be relaxed and supportive with practise in small groups using the latest interactive methodology.
Start To be advised
Duration 10 weeks
Fee HK$3,350
This course offers a fun-first approach for teenagers to learn Spanish during the summer holidays. The classes will focus on communication, with games, role plays and a lot of interactive activities. Students will learn the basics of the Spanish language and culture from the beginning, with a surprise activity on the last day!
Start To be advised
Duration 4 weeks
Fee HK$2,900
This course is for complete beginners who want to learn the language basics fast in a fun way. It’s also a good way to get a taste of the language before committing to a longer course. The emphasis is on speaking and listening, rather than on grammar. Participants will see how a little language can go a long, long way. Some of the topics include introductions, numbers, telling the time, asking for the way, eating out, shopping, booking a hotel room and dealing with communication problems. The language of instruction will be Spanish with a little English where necessary.
Start To be advised
Duration 10 weeks
Fee HK$3,250
This course is designed for complete beginners of the Spanish language and learners who would like to gain more exposure to the language at the A1 level according to the CEFR. The course will offer students a first taste of Spanish through yoga practices, with more focus on vocabulary, listening and speaking. Apart from general daily life topics such as self-introduction, numbers, time and body parts, students will learn some yoga-related vocabulary, which they can apply directly in the yoga practices. The yoga training includes different types of poses for beginners and meditation guided by the instructor in simple Spanish. Not only can you learn a language in an immersive way, but you also can improve your health and wellness through this integration of mental and physical exercise.
Start To be advised
Duration 10 weeks
Fee HK$3,650
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