Lecture Sharing -Hotel and Resort Management
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- Lecture Sharing -Hotel and Resort Management
HKU SPACE Lecturer Ms. Alison Yau is honoured to invite the following senior industry representatives in the class "Hotel and Resort Management" and share with students the current management status of hotels and resorts in an interactive way. We analyze the future opportunities of global development of hotels and resorts during the class with vivid case studies.
HKU SPACE 講師 Alison Yau 在 ”酒店及渡假村管理” 的課堂榮幸邀請到以下業界資深代表,以互動的方式向就讀學生分享酒店及渡假村現時的管理實況,及以生動的案例,分析環球酒店及渡假村未來發展的機遇。
瑰麗酒店集團之人才及文化經理 Mr. Stephan Tai
Mr. Stephan Tai, Talent and Culture Manager of Rosewood Hotel Group
鄧氏酒店管理集團之高級人力資源經理 Ms. Cheryl Ki
Ms. Cheryl Ki, Senior Human Resources Manager of Tang's Living Group
環球旅遊預訂平台Travelzoo之總經理 Mr. Kevin Shui
Mr. Kevin Shui, General Manager (Hong Kong) of Travelzoo
網站及市場推廣策劃公司之董事 Ms. Rachel Wong
Ms. Rachel Wong, Director of Chicle Communication Chicle

Lecture Sharing -Hotel and Resort Management

Lecture Sharing -Hotel and Resort Management