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Social Sciences Social Sciences

New Course

Training Programme for Social Workers in Community Mental Health Service Units

Course Code
Study mode
Start Date
To be advised
21 hours
Cantonese, suppl with English
Course Fee
This Training Programme is funded by the Social Welfare Department
How to Apply

This training programme is funded by the Social Welfare Department. All Social Workers are welcomed to join.
Applicants need to provide valid Social Worker Registration Card with expiry date of current registration.

Special Announcement:

Classes 14 - 17 of Courses A & B and Classes 15, 18-21 of Course C are now open for enrollment. First come first served.
Simply click this to ENROLL NOW! Providing HKID card number is optional if applicants wish to become our School alumni.


The Training Programme aims to strengthen the capacity of the social workers of community mental health service units with a view to enhancing early identification of persons with mental health needs and early intervention in handling complicated cases with mental health issues.

The Training Programme is consisted of 3 courses, all aim at equipping participants with knowledge and skills in working with persons with mental health needs and their families/carers.

Distinguished instructors include Experienced Psychiatrists, Clinical Psychologists, Psychiatric Nurses, Community Social Workers, and other mental health professionals.

(in no particular order)
Dr Sunny LiuProf Michael Wong
  Dr Liu Kwong Sun                                                                             Professor Michael T H Wong 

Dr May MiaoDr CK Lee
  Dr May Miao                                                                                       Dr CK Lee

Dr Lily HoDr Eva Yu
  Dr Lily Ho                                                                                              Dr Eva Yu

Dr Joyce LauDr Phyllis Chan
  Dr Joyce Lau                                                                                        Dr Chan Kwok Ling, Phyllis

Clinical Psychologist                                                                        Occupational Therapist
Mr Max WongOT
  Mr Max Wong                                                                                      Dr Grace Lee

Psychiatric Nurse & Community Social Worker
Mr Lau Ka ShingMs Chan Kit PingNurseDr Andrew LukSocial Worker

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of these courses, the participants are expected to be able to:

  • recognize and classify the clinical features, aetiologies and major types of mental disorders;
  • analyse the symptoms and signs of mental illnesses, as well as the risk assessment;
  • apply the treatment approaches and therapeutic strategies for working with the persons with mental illnesses;
  • execute the case management and intervention, including the strength-based recovery approach, stress management techniques and exercise in working with the persons with mental health needs and their families/carers;
  • manage the cases with violence, relapse of mental illnesses, suicidal tendency;
  • evaluate children and youth with or without parents being persons in mental recovery, and handle psychiatric emergencies;
  • apply multi-disciplinary collaboration in helping persons in mental recovery, persons with mental health needs of all age groups (such as secondary school students, older adults), their families and carers;
  • recall and remember the community psychiatric rehabilitation services in Hong Kong

Programme Details

Course A:

Strength-based Recovery Approach and Crisis Intervention for Severe Mental Illnesses and Prevalent Mental Health Disorders

Course code: SOSW9047

Classes A1 - A13 have been full. Can refer to this for their timetables.

Class Code  Application Code Session Room Weekdays Class Date Start End
A14 2270-1804NW 1 ADC303 Tuesday 18-Feb-25 09:00 12:30
2 ADC303 Tuesday 18-Feb-25 14:00 17:30
3 ADC205 Wednesday 26-Feb-25 14:00 17:30
4 ADC207 Thursday 27-Feb-25 14:00 17:30
5 ADC206 Monday 3-Mar-25 14:00 17:30
6 ADC205 Friday 7-Mar-25 14:00 17:30
A15 2270-1805NW 1 ADC303 Tuesday 25-Feb-25 09:00 12:30
2 ADC303 Tuesday 25-Feb-25 14:00 17:30
3 ADC204 Wednesday 5-Mar-25 14:00 17:30
4 ADC207 Thursday 6-Mar-25 14:00 17:30
5 ADC206 Monday 10-Mar-25 14:00 17:30
6 ADC205 Friday 14-Mar-25 14:00 17:30
A16 2275-1878NW 1 ADC303 Tuesday 4-Mar-25 09:00 12:30
2 ADC303 Tuesday 4-Mar-25 14:00 17:30
3 FTC1404 Wednesday 12-Mar-25 14:00 17:30
4 ADC207 Thursday 13-Mar-25 14:00 17:30
5 ADC206 Monday 17-Mar-25 14:00 17:30
6 ADC205 Friday 21-Mar-25 14:00 17:30
A17 2275-1879NW 1 ADC303 Tuesday 11-Mar-25 09:00 12:30
2 ADC303 Tuesday 11-Mar-25 14:00 17:30
3 ADC207 Wednesday 19-Mar-25 14:00 17:30
4 ADC207 Thursday 20-Mar-25 14:00 17:30
5 ADC206 Monday 24-Mar-25 14:00 17:30
6 ADC205 Friday 28-Mar-25 14:00 17:30


Course B:

Childhood and Adolescent Mental Health Issues 
(assessment, medications, strength-based recovery approach, multi-disciplinary interventions)

Course code: SOSW9048

Classes B1 - B13 have been full. Can refer to this for their timetables.

Class Code Application Code Session Room Weekdays Class Date Start End
B14 2270-1812NW 1 FTC1404 Wednesday 19-Feb-25 09:00 12:30
2 FTC1404 Wednesday 19-Feb-25 14:00 17:30
3 ADC206 Thursday 27-Feb-25 09:00 12:30
4 ADC303 Friday 28-Feb-25 09:00 12:30
5 ADC207 Monday 3-Mar-25 09:00 12:30
6 ADC206 Tuesday 4-Mar-25 09:00 12:30
B15 2270-1813NW 1 ADC303 Wednesday 26-Feb-25 09:00 12:30
2 ADC303 Wednesday 26-Feb-25 14:00 17:30
3 ADC206 Thursday 6-Mar-25 09:00 12:30
4 ADC303 Friday 7-Mar-25 09:00 12:30
5 ADC207 Monday 10-Mar-25 09:00 12:30
6 ADC206 Tuesday 11-Mar-25 09:00 12:30
B16 2275-1882NW 1 ADC303 Wednesday 5-Mar-25 09:00 12:30
2 ADC303 Wednesday 5-Mar-25 14:00 17:30
3 ADC206 Thursday 13-Mar-25 09:00 12:30
4 ADC303 Friday 14-Mar-25 09:00 12:30
5 ADC207 Monday 17-Mar-25 09:00 12:30
6 ADC206 Tuesday 18-Mar-25 09:00 12:30
B17 2275-1883NW 1 ADC303 Wednesday 12-Mar-25 09:00 12:30
2 ADC303 Wednesday 12-Mar-25 14:00 17:30
3 ADC205 Thursday 20-Mar-25 09:00 12:30
4 ADC303 Friday 21-Mar-25 09:00 12:30
5 ADC207 Monday 24-Mar-25 09:00 12:30
6 ADC206 Tuesday 25-Mar-25 09:00 12:30


Course C:

Practical Case Management and Crisis Intervention in Mental Health Services

Course code: SOSW9049

Classes C1 - C14, C16 & C17 have been full. Can refer to this for their timetables.

Class Code Application Code Session Room Weekdays Class Date Start End
C15 2270-1817NW 1 ADC204 Thursday 27-Feb-25 09:00 12:30
2 ADC204 Thursday 27-Feb-25 14:00 17:30
3 ADC207 Monday 3-Mar-25 14:00 17:30
4 ADC205 Friday 7-Mar-25 09:00 12:30
5 ADC206 Tuesday 11-Mar-25 14:00 17:30
6 FTC1404 Wednesday 12-Mar-25 09:00 12:30
C18 2275-1876NW 1 ADC204 Thursday 20-Mar-25 09:00 12:30
2 ADC204 Thursday 20-Mar-25 14:00 17:30
3 ADC207 Monday 24-Mar-25 14:00 17:30
4 ADC205 Friday 28-Mar-25 09:00 12:30
5 ADC206 Tuesday 1-Apr-25 14:00 17:30
6 ADC205 Wednesday 2-Apr-25 09:00 12:30
C19 2275-1877NW 1 ADC204 Thursday 3-Apr-25 09:00 12:30
2 ADC204 Thursday 3-Apr-25 14:00 17:30
3 ADC207 Monday 7-Apr-25 14:00 17:30
4 ADC205 Friday 11-Apr-25 09:00 12:30
5 ADC206 Tuesday 15-Apr-25 14:00 17:30
6 ADC205 Wednesday 16-Apr-25 09:00 12:30
C20 2280-2411NW 1 ADC204 Thursday 10-Apr-25 09:00 12:30
2 ADC204 Thursday 10-Apr-25 14:00 17:30
3 ADC207 Monday 14-Apr-25 14:00 17:30
4 ADC205 Friday 25-Apr-25 09:00 12:30
5 ADC206 Tuesday 29-Apr-25 14:00 17:30
6 ADC205 Wednesday 30-Apr-25 09:00 12:30
C21 2280-2412NW 1 ADC204 Thursday 24-Apr-25 09:00 12:30
2 ADC204 Thursday 24-Apr-25 14:00 17:30
3 ADC205 Monday 28-Apr-25 14:00 17:30
4 ADC205 Friday 2-May-25 09:00 12:30
5 ADC312 Tuesday 6-May-25 14:00 17:30
6 ADC315 Wednesday 7-May-25 09:00 12:30
  • Teaching Venue: 
    Either HKU SPACE Admiralty Learning Centre, Admiralty Centre, 18 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong (access via the shopping arcade escalators through Exit A, Admiralty MTR Station) (Short code: ADC) or
    HKU SPACE Fortress Tower Learning Centre, Fortress Tower, 250 King’s Road, North Point, Hong Kong (Exit B, Fortress Hill MTR Station) (Short code: FTC)


Course Outlines:

Course (A): Strength-based Recovery Approach and Crisis Intervention for Severe Mental Illnesses and Prevalent Mental Disorders

(a) Introduction of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (“DSM-5”) for the understanding of mental state examination

(b) Diagnostic criteria and codes for the major mental disorders, signs and symptoms, prevalence & etiology

  • Schizophrenia and Delusional Disorders
  • Organic Psychiatric Disorders and Organic Brain Syndromes (Dementia)
  • Depressive and Mood Disorders
  • Bipolar and related disorders
  • Personality Disorders
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Trauma and Stressor-related Disorders

(c) Assessment, Medications, management and treatment for persons suffering from (b)

(d) Strength-based recovery approach on working with persons suffering from severe mental illnesses and common mental disorders

(e) Multi-disciplinary intervention in helping persons in mental recovery and persons with mental health needs

  • Case illustration and real case sharing by experienced Psychiatrist, Clinical Psychologist, Psychiatric Nurses, etc.
  • Question and answer sessions/Tutorial


Course (B): Childhood and Adolescent Mental Health Issues 
(assessment, medications, strength-based recovery approach, multi-disciplinary interventions)

(a) Introduction of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (“DSM-5”) for the understanding of mental state examination

(b) Diagnostic criteria and codes for the major mental disorders for children and adolescents, signs and symptoms, prevalence & etiology

  • Early psychosis
  • Anxiety Disorders, e.g. social phobia
  • Depressive Disorders
  • Feeding and Eating Disorders
  • Conduct Disorders
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

(c) Assessment, Medications, management and treatment for persons suffering from mental disorders in (b)

(d) Strength-based recovery approach on working with persons suffering from severe mental illnesses and common mental disorders

(e) Multi-disciplinary interventions in helping persons in mental recovery and persons with mental health needs

  • Case illustration and case sharing
  • Question and answer sessions/Tutorial


Course (C): Practical Case Management and Crisis Intervention in Mental Health Services

(a) Clinical assessment, bio-psycho-social care formulation, including the application of need-risk-strength assessment

(b) Assessment for Suicidal risk and Violence identification

(c) Crisis communication and working with persons with acute psychotic symptoms requiring immediate crisis intervention

(d) Communication and working with families /carers with mental health challenges

(e) Motivational Interviewing

(f) Skills to address the needs of parents and the children with mental health issues

(g) Debriefing for overcoming post-trauma after reaction after handling psychiatric emergencies

(h) Simulation case studies and role play on crisis intervention

(i) Mental health first aid and breakaway techniques

  • Case illustration and case sharing
  • Question and answer sessions/Tutorial
  • 6 sessions per course
    3.5 hours per session


Course Fee
  • This Training Programme is funded by the Social Welfare Department

Entry Requirements

Registered social workers in community mental health service units
(e.g. rehabilitation service units, Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness, Integrated Family Service Centres / Integrated Services Centre, School Social Work Service Units, Integrated Children and Youth Service Centres / Children and Youth Centres, Youth Outreaching Social Work Teams, etc.)


Application Form Application Form

Enrolment Method

Applicants are required to submit the application not later than 1 week before the commencement of the Session 1 of respective class.

Interested parties please complete and return the filled application form together with the supporting documents via email at; in person to any HKU SPACE Enrolment Centres;  or post the completed form along with the supporting documents to 11/F, Fortress Tower, 250 King's Road, North Point, Hong Kong (Re: Training Programme for Social Workers in Community Mental Health Service Units).

Required supporting documents include:

  1. Copy of HKID card
  2. Copy of Registration Card issued by the Social Workers Registration Board

Filling out the HKID card number (and supporting copy) is optional for applicants who would like to be our School alumni even with any one of these short courses of 21 hours (Course A, B or C).