Hospitality & Lifestyle Business & Live Entertainment Events
Student from non Hospitality, Tourism and Event disciplines are welcome to apply! After completing 6 modules (a total of 120 credits) in 12 months, students will be conferred the Bachelor of Arts in International Festival & Event Management.
Programme Overview
It is a fully-accredited undergraduate degree in the United Kingdom. On completion of the studies, graduates will be awarded the Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) in International Festival & Event Management, which is identical to the one awarded to the students in the Edinburgh Napier University in the United Kingdom.
Why Choose This Programme?
- Unique programme in Hong Kong
- To become the Events Capital of Asia, Hong Kong needs well-trained experts to organise fascinating festivals and world-class events
- Lecturers of Edinburgh Napier will fly in to Hong Kong to teach all lectures, and they are experienced and knowledgeable in managing major festivals and events
Prospect of the Festival and Event Sector
Over the last decade, events have emerged as significant tools for community and regional development, tourism promotion and corporate marketing. The steady growth in the number and size of events has created a significant demand for professional event managers. At the same time, the increasing complexity and government regulation of festivals and events has given rise to an industry body of knowledge, and to the need for personnel trained and skilled in the practice of international festival and event management.
Festivals and events have been identified by the Hong Kong Tourism Board as major items in their promotion plan for travellers and visitors. Events of all size are growing in Hong Kong ranging from the business-related events, such as meetings, incentive travels, conventions and exhibitions (MICE) to large scale renowned sports and recreational events, such as the Hong Kong Sevens, the Hong Kong International Film Festival, Hong Kong Marathons and the International Dragon Boat Races. With the events at Central Harbourfront, the West-Kowloon Cultural District, the Kai Tak Sports Park in the near future and on cruise ships, students of the international festival and event management discipline have plenty of job opportunities and good career development prospect.
Programme Aims and Objectives
This Honours Degree programme aims to provide students with a coherent and vocationally relevant academic curriculum preparing them for a career in the festival, event and related service sectors. It develops students’ competence in applying appropriate theories and concepts of international event management to practical situations.
On completion of the programme, students should be able to:
Knowledge and Understanding
1. Explaining, interpreting and challenging theories and concepts which are used to understand the origin, purpose, meanings, core values and development of festivals and events from a range of critical perspectives;
2. Demonstrating knowledge and understanding of the characteristics, needs and motivations of event consumers, including barriers to participation due to the diversity of potential customers (through age, gender, disability and culture), and formulating strategies to meet their needs;
3. Understanding the nature and the management of experience design and delivery in developing successful, sustainable and creative festivals & events;
4. Demonstrating knowledge and understanding of the social, political, economic, technological and environmental contexts and impacts of festival & event operations;
5. Demonstrating knowledge and understanding of key business and management disciplines, and their application to strategic and ethical festival & event management;
6. Critically evaluating the policies, initiatives, frameworks, organisations and structures related to festivals & events, and analysing their impact on festival & event operations;
7. Developing the professional skills necessary to become an effective and reflective festival & event manager, and developing specialist management attributes.
Skills and Other Attributes
1. Research, assess and evaluate data, information, management principles and theoretical constructs relevant to festival and event management from a wide variety of sources;
2. Critically interpret qualitative and quantitative information;
3. Apply knowledge to the solution of familiar and unfamiliar problems;
4. Use research information to develop reasoned and informed argument, to challenge assumptions, and present findings in a logical and clear structure;
5. Develop responsibility for your own learning.
Programme Details
The entire programme consists of 10 modules (20 credits each) and a dissertation (40 credits). Upon completion of all modules (240 credits), students will obtain the Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) in International Festival & Event Management. After completing 6 modules totaling 120 credits, students will be conferred the Bachelor of Arts in International Festival & Event Management. In year 3, students will study two 20-credit modules in each block with three blocks in a year, a total of 6 modules will be studied. In year 4, students will study four 20-credit modules and one 40-credit dissertation module.
- Edinburgh Napier University and HKU SPACE reserve the right to vary the programme structure and order of the module from time to time.
Students will be arranged to voluntarily participate in various events organised by a range of event organisations in Hong Kong to gain exposure and polish their customer service as well as event organizing skills. It is non-credit bearing.
All coursework of the programme will be conducted in English.
The mode of assessment for each module is different but will be generally based on a combination of coursework (including assignments, tests and projects) and the final examination or 100% continuous assessment without examinations.
Academic Excellence Award & SCHOLARSHIP
- Class Medal Awarded by Edinburgh Napier University
All modules will be taught in English. Lecture notes, teaching materials and assessments will be in English as well.
Programme Articulation

Upon graduation, students will have developed independent thinking skills, critical analysis of current hospitality and tourism management knowledge. Honours degree students will have undertaken a final-year project which includes data collection and analysis, therefore, students will be well-equipped with research skills necessary for further studies. Graduates with second-class honours are eligible to apply for the Master of Science Tourism and Hospitality Management programme, in collaboration with University of Plymouth at HKU SPACE (Full time: 12 months; Part time: 18 months).
- Graduates of BA (Hons) International Festival & Event Management are eligible to apply for any MSc programmes in the Business School in Edinburgh, UK or at HKU SPACE, HK:
- Master of Science in Business Management (Leadership and Innovation)
- Master of Science in Marketing
- Master of Science in Marketing with Festival and Event Management
- For students who have graduated from BA International Festival & Event Management with 2 years relevant working experience, they can progress to any MSc programmes in the Business School in Edinburgh, UK, or at HKU SPACE, HK. Students with less than 2 years’ working experience will be reviewed on individual basis.
Available ENU programmes at HKU SPACE:
- Master of Science in Business Management (Leadership and Innovation)
- Master of Science in Marketing
- Master of Science in Marketing with Festival and Event Management
- For students who have graduated from BA International Festival & Event Management with no working experience, they can progress to BA (Hons) Festivals and Events programme in Edinburgh, UK.
- Edinburgh Napier University may offer scholarship and alumni discount on tuition fee to graduates of BA (Hons) / BA International Festival & Event Management programme for their studies in Edinburgh, UK.
Application Code | 2170-MS053C | Apply Online Now |
Apply Online Now |
This is an exempted course under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance. It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognise any qualification to which this course may lead.
Modules & Class Details
Festival & Event Design and Delivery
This module introduces students to the understanding of the meaning of design and how it is applied to planned events and the relationship between event design and the experience of consumers and participants. It explores and analyses the event experience of the individual and how this can be controlled and influenced by design. The process by which the event is delivered is also examined.
Global Service Management
This module aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary for service management. Throughout it will emphasise the characteristics of service and the implications for managing in this sector. Where appropriate concepts and techniques will be drawn from HRM, Marketing and Operations Management and their value emphasised. The concept of service will embrace both manufacturing and service organisations, public and private, large and small. Students will learn that service management offers up unique challenges not least of which is the management of people (employees and customers) in the provision of service quality and the evaluation of service performance.emphasised. The concept of service will embrace both manufacturing and service organisations, public and private, large and small. Students will learn that service management offers up unique challenges not least of which is the management of people (employees and customers) in the provision of service quality and the evaluation of service performance.
Event Management
This module enables students to develop insight into the development, role, impacts and management of festivals and events, and understand the growth of the global events industry. It enables students to develop a problem-solving approach to the management of events. It defines a range of festivals and events, from community to mega events.
Facilities Planning for Hospitality, Tourism and Events
The module aims to provide students with a knowledge and understanding of a) the basic principles and procedures involved in the design, planning and maintenance of facilities used for hospitality, tourism and event (HTE) operations; and b) the concept of facilities management and how it may be applied within the context of resourcing and delivering hospitality, tourism and event services.
Planning and Public Policy for Festivals and Events
Students will be able to look at and compare festival and events of various forms and types (arts, sports, festivals, cultural and religious) and understand the strategic purpose they are set. The work combines investigation of prevailing festival and event strategy (both locally to Hong Kong and internationally), and the study and comparison of related policy goal areas and the policy initiatives that come as a result of this.
Sports Event Tourism
This module considers sport event management, its development and process as well as event impacts on organisations, regions or localities. The module will cover a range of sport events within an international context from major sporting events such as the Olympic Games and the Commonwealth Games to smaller local events like the Edinburgh Marathon. We will also apply organisation theory to understand how sport vent organisations operate and consider the pressures and challenges faced by staff. Consideration will also be given to current issues and trends such as the broadcasting of sport events, appraising likely future demand and developments worldwide.
Festival & Event Impacts and Sustainability
This module will give students an opportunity to engage with the concepts of sustainability and sustainable development within the events industry, on local, national and global levels. The module establishes how festival and events managers must consider the various impacts of an event throughout each stage of the planning process and beyond. Social, cultural, physical, environmental, economic, political and tourism impacts of events and their interrelationships are examined in depth. Event impacts are explored within the context of the minds of funding organisations and policy makers and how they are used in order to justify public spending on events and minimise any negative externalities. Event impact evaluation frameworks, the roles of various stakeholders in sustainable event development, and the issues of leveraging events to bring positive legacies for local communities and destinations, are also introduced and explored. organisations through the mechanisms of both leadership and innovation. In this module students will learn about a range of different leadership theories and their relevance to, and impacts upon, organisations and employees.
The Management of MICE Events
The MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions) industry is a major part of business life, and also a major source of income for business tourism destinations. The planning, organising and managing of MICE events is therefore an increasingly important industry. In this module, students will examine the nature and scope of the MICE industry from a national and international perspective. They will also learn how to develop management strategies for the effective planning and management of MICE events.
The dissertation module enables students to develop research skills by undertaking a well-researched piece of critical analysis on a topic relevant to the festival and event management. Students will have the opportunity to explore a chosen topic in depth, relating it to the literature and previous research studies and to integrate findings across subject disciplines. They will be supported and guided by an individual tutor and are expected to maintain a learning log recording their progress.
International Festival and Event Environments
By appraising the environments and contexts in which festivals and events are created and managed worldwide, students will critically reflect on the core issues that have contributed to their development. Strategic and operational aspects of festival and event management will be considered through a variety of learning and teaching approaches.
Business Tourism
Business Tourism is a term which covers a wide range of activities. This module will examine the different types of business tourism which make up the MICE industry – Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions, as well as discussing the characteristics of individual business travel. Students will learn about each of these diverse components of the Business Tourism Industry, and the role that they have to play within the wider tourism context.
Quality teaching is demonstrated through:
- All lectures are conducted by the professors or lecturers of the Edinburgh Napier University in a week of block teaching (currently delivered via online).
- "Sports Event Tourism" and "Global Service Management" modules will be delivered by the professors or lecturers of the Edinburgh Napier University via online.
- Classes will be conducted in English.
- All modules, lecture notes and other teaching materials are in English.
- All coursework and examinations of this programme will be conducted in English.
- All lectures are conducted by the professors or lecturers of the Edinburgh Napier University in a week of block teaching.
- All weekly tutorials are conducted by local teachers who are accredited by the Edinburgh Napier University.
- Teaching methods include lectures, tutorials, individual/group projects, field trips, selected academic journals and articles for readings and subsequent discussion, as well as VIP speaker for special topics or related subjects.
- Local case studies and examples will be introduced by local teachers to enrich the learning experience.
Class Details
It consists of both block teaching week and tutorial weeks lasting for approximately 8 weeks.
Block Teaching Week (Subject to change)
Mon. Tue, Wed, Thurs : 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm/ 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Sat : 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Sun :10:00 am - 1:00 pm & 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Right after the block teaching week, there will be 6 tutorials for each module, and 1-2 tutorials will be delivered each week, (Subject to change):
Any Mon – Fri : 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
For dissertation, it consists of a block teaching week of 12-hour lecture and 22-hour tutorial and consultations throughout a year. This will be studied in Year 4 (Block 3 & 4).
Honours Award: 24 months (Normal)
Ordinary Award: 12 months (Normal)
HKU SPACE Learning Centres
Fee & Entry Requirements
Course Fee- Honours Award: HK$162,000 per programme
Ordinary Award: HK$ 81,000 per programme
*The tuition fee is reviewed annually and is subject to change without prior notice.
Entry Requirements
Applicants shall have:
1. An Advanced Diploma in Hospitality Management / Tourism Management / Tourism and Marketing Management / M.I.C.E.* and Event Management, or a Higher Diploma in Tourism and Events Management / Hotel Management / Tourism and Hospitality Management awarded within HKU system through HKU SPACE; OR
2. An equivalent award granted by a recognised institution, such as Advanced Diploma/ Associate Degree/ Higher Diploma in M.I.C.E.*/ Festival/ Event Management, Tourism, Leisure or Hospitality Management; OR
3. An equivalent award granted by a recognised institution in other related disciplines such as Business, Management, Marketing, Communication or Linguistics. These applicants will be considered on a case-by-case basis; and they may be required to take additional module(s) based on individual merit before the start of the programme.
(*): M.I.C.E: Meetings, Incentive Travels, Conventions and Exhibitions
Online Application Apply Now
Application Form Download Application Form
Enrolment MethodThe application form for this programme can be obtained from all HKU SPACE enrolment centers. The completed and signed application form must be accompanied by:
- Certified true copies of all relevant academic award certificates and transcripts
- Copy of applicant’s HK Identity Card
- Four recent passport sized color photos
- A non-refundable application processing fee of HK$150
Oct Term |
Feb Term |
Jun Term |
Application Closing: Early Sept |
Application Closing: Early Jan | Application Closing: Early May |
Commencement: Early/Mid Oct | Commencement: Early/Mid Feb |
Commencement: Early/Mid Jun |
The programme is designed on a modular basis, accepting three intakes of students per year in late September, late January and late May. All fees paid are NOT refundable, unless a course is over-subscribed or cancelled.
Course fees are payable in 6 instalments for Honours Degree and 3 instalments for Ordinary Degree. Required textbooks are not included in this fee.
HK$162,000 per programme
These fees may be subject to revisions even after a student is admitted to this programme. Fees for the following Blocks will be advised when you enroll on subsequent modules. Separate fees will be payable for re-sitting the examinations, re-submitting course work and repeating the studies for each module of study.
Financial Assistance
Extended Non-means-tested Loan Scheme (ENLS)
The Extended Non-means-tested Loan Scheme (ENLS) provides financial assistance in the form of loan(s) to eligible students to settle tuition fees of specific post-secondary / continuing and professional education courses studied in Hong Kong. Students may apply for the Extended Non-means-tested Loan Scheme (ENLS) administered by the Student Finance Office (SFO) of the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency (WFSFAA). For more information, please visit http://www.wfsfaa.gov.hk/sfo/en/postsecondary/enls/overview.htm or contact SFO at 2150 6223.
Edinburgh Napier Business School Awards
Students can apply for the Business School Awards (with £333 each) which will be awarded to students who are required to take additional modules in order to fulfil the minimum entry requirements of the programme.
*The business school award is reviewed annually and is subject to change without prior notice
Applicants may submit the application materials in person and all the original submissions will be returned immediately upon certification by HKU SPACE staff. Successful applicants will pay the course fee after receiving the (un)conditional offer letter.
Late applications may only be considered at the discretion of the Programme Leader.
About the Partners
Partner Details
Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom
Located in Scotland, Edinburgh Napier University is one of the largest higher education institutions in Scotland with more than 300 courses on offer and nearly 20,000 students from over 140 countries studying on campus, online and at partner universities worldwide, we are carving out a distinct position as an enterprising and innovative institution with an unrivalled student learning experience.
It is the #modern university in Scotland (Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2023), the top university in Edinburgh for student satisfaction (NSS 2020, 2021 & 2022), a top 10 UK modern university (Times/Sunday Times Good University Guide 2023), and the top Scottish modern university for research power and impact (Research Excellence Framework 2021).
Edinburgh Napier University is the most ideal university to study Festival and Event Management because Edinburgh is home to spectacular festivals and major events such as the Fringe and Hogmanay. This city attracts travellers and tourists from all over the world, all year round. As an academic discipline therefore, a wealth of useful experience and information is drawn from the heart of a city rich in culture and creative industries.
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- Business & Live Entertainment Events
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