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Information at Your Fingertips: HKU SPACE Mobile APP Now Launched

Information at Your Fingertips: HKU SPACE Mobile APP Now Launched

02 Jan 2025 (Thu)

In December 2024, HKU SPACE introduced its new mobile app, designed to enrich the student experience. This app serves as a user-friendly platform enabling students to stay informed about the School's latest updates. By downloading the app, students can access to comprehensive information about the School's programmes and activities, no matter...

more Information at Your Fingertips: HKU SPACE Mobile APP Now Launched
HKU SPACE and PLK Strengthening Partnership in HPSHCC

HKU SPACE and PLK Strengthening Partnership in HPSHCC

29 Apr 2024 (Mon)

To prepare for coming legislative amendments to the Post Secondary Colleges Ordinance (Cap.320), HKU SPACE and Po Leung Kuk (PLK) have reviewed the current operations of the HKU SPACE Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho Community College (HPSHCC) and reached a consensus that both parties should continue and strengthen their partnership on a long-term basis, which...

more HKU SPACE and PLK Strengthening Partnership in HPSHCC
9 news
  • HKU SPACE establishes the COVID-19 Student Assistance Scheme to support full-time students

    26 May 2020 (Tue)

    The COVID-19 epidemic has had a seriously adverse impact on the global economy and brought challenges to many people around the world. To cope with the situation in Hong Kong, HKU SPACE took certain emergency measures to maintain teaching and learning for our full-time students through online learning with minimal disruption to students’ ... more HKU SPACE establishes the COVID-19 Student Assistance Scheme to support full-time students

    HKU SPACE establishes the COVID-19 Student Assistance Scheme to support full-time students
  • 【打工仔「疫」境求進】疫市下 不頽不廢不氣餒

    25 May 2020 (Mon)

    受疫情影響,香港經濟下行,百業蕭條,各行各業打工仔面臨減薪、放無薪假、甚或裁員的壓力及困擾,人人自危。在這疫境下,與其坐以待斃,不如背水一戰,積極求進,自我增值,化危為機。 HKU SPACE 繼「心靈防疫系列」後,於5月23日舉辦第一場「打工仔疫境求進系列」免費網上專題講座,邀得著名傳媒與公共關係工作者方健儀女士,以「疫市下,不頽不廢不氣餒」為題,分享她在疫市下面對的困境,以及應對危機的辦法,讓打工仔在疫境中不再迷網,自強求進。 立即按此重溫講座,積極裝備自己,迎接未來。 more 【打工仔「疫」境求進】疫市下 不頽不廢不氣餒

  • 【心靈防疫】正向心理學 疫境裏的好心情

    11 Apr 2020 (Sat)

    新冠肺炎疫情日益嚴峻,近日更禁止四人以上聚集,娛樂場所也要暫停開放,市民日日留在家中,心情難免受到困擾,倍添壓力。疫境當前,更要學懂紓緩壓力,以正向生活態度面對。 本學院於今日(4月11日)舉辦第二場「心靈防疫系列」網上專題講座,邀請臨床心理學家盧陳清泉,以「正向心理學如何令你在疫境下維持好心情」為題,分享眾多有關壓力與健康之研究,並且與市民探討在正向心理學框架下,如何培養正向情緒及個性優勢,以助市民在疫症下紓緩壓力,維持好心情,邁向身心健康。 立即按此重溫講座,在疫境中重拾正面生活態度,維持好心情。 more 【心靈防疫】正向心理學 疫境裏的好心情

  • 【心靈防疫】走出疫境 為心靈增值

    29 Mar 2020 (Sun)

    面對現時嚴峻的新冠肺炎疫情,市民除了擔心自己和家人的健康,日常生活上更要小心翼翼,連工作也受到嚴重影響,難免受恐慌焦慮的情緒困擾。與其坐困愁城,讓負面情緒無了期地纏繞自己,倒不如學習管理自己的情緒,以正面思維面對疫境。 本學院於昨日(3月28日)舉辦第一場「心靈防疫系列」網上專題講座,邀請精神科醫生陳嘉璐,以「走出疫境 – 如何為心靈增值」為題,並透過輕鬆幽默的手法,深入淺出地與市民分享逆境商數和自創認知行為療法等平穩情緒的良方,助市民靜待風雨經過,將負面情緒轉化為心靈的養分以積極正面的心態迎接未來。 立即按此重溫講座,以積極正面的心態迎接未來。 more 【心靈防疫】走出疫境 為心靈增值

    【心靈防疫】走出疫境 為心靈增值

Media Enquiry

Ms. Cherie Lam, Manager, Corporate Communications

Tel: 2975 5854

Fax: 2546 9835



Ms. Stella Wong, Marketing Communications Coordinator

Tel: 2910 7586 

Fax: 2546 9835
