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Jun 2020

一帶一路下增加海運保險專業人才需求 - 課程講座

Finance and Compliance

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Date & time
16Jun 2020 (Tue)19:00 - 20:00 Free
  • Ms. Teresa Wong (Programme Director, HKUSPACE) ;

Ms. Teresa Wong (Programme Director, HKUSPACE)

Ms. Teresa Wong is a Programme Director in HKU SPACE. She mainly focuses on programme development and external relationship with different professional bodies. She also has over 10 years of teaching experience in accounting, finance and marketing courses in various local tertiary institutions. Prior to joining the education field, Ms. Teresa Wong was the Senior Sales & Marketing Manager in asset management companies. She was responsible for recruitment planning, marketing planning as well as training new staff. She has over 16 years of experience in project management, business operation, delivering training and training programme development. On the Community service aspects, she is the judge of the Best Financial Planner Award (BFPA) for the Life Underwriters Association of Hong Kong.

2867 8322 (
Information Seminar - Finance Programmes


香港保險業聯會(HKFI)聯同HKU SPACE合辦「行政人員證書(海運保險) 」課程,銳意培訓人才,課程將會全面教授海上保險、海事法律知識同研究實際案例。無論係現時從事緊保險業嘅你定係對呢行有興趣嘅你都歡迎報讀㗎!


Executive Certificate in Marine Insurance