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Lifestyle Enrichment Workshop Series

Professionals in different industries should equip themselves with work-related knowledge and skills.  At the same time, they could also advance their career development and enlarge their social networks by adding values through our Lifestyle Enrichment Workshop Series.

Lifestyle Enrichment Workshop Series aims to help participants:

  • to explore new interests and hobbies
  • to broaden their horizons and establish good relationships with colleagues, supervisors and clients
  • to enrich their lifestyle and develop their self-confidence
  • to enhance self-image
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Fine Dining不只象徵美食,它還包羅萬象:頂級食材、精湛廚藝、專業體貼的款待服務、舒適自在的用餐環境、別具一格的用餐體驗、如藝術般精緻的餐具等。
識歎。體驗。Fine Dining! 有助職場達人發掘新的興趣及嗜好、擴闊視野,以及豐富個人的生活品味。
開課日期 待定
修業期 15小時
課程費用 學費 : HK$2,900 (包括材料及 Fine Dining 體驗費用)

校友優惠 : HK$2,800 

團體優惠 : 每位HK$2,800 (同行二人或以上) 



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