HKU SPACE Lecturer Mr Alan Chan is honoured to invite Ms Lorraine Wong, who is a professional and experienced hotel practitioner as a Guest Speaker in the class "Introduction to Tourism and Hospitality". Ms Wong shared her thoughts on the topic “How to handle the emotional issue of the hotel guests during quarantine? "
HKU SPACE 講師 Mr Alan Chan 非常榮幸邀請到資深酒店從業員 Ms Lorraine Wong 到中課堂 " 旅遊及款客概論",分享如何透過 "深層款待" 來幫助客人克服隔離期間的情緒問题,怎樣輕鬆地完成隔離時期。學生透過講者分享的真實經驗及從中學習,自然活學活用啦!