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款客及精緻生活 商業及現場娛樂活動




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As Asia's events capital and leading meetings and convention destination, Hong Kong plays host to a fascinating array of exciting events. The event industry is one of the fastest growing service sectors in both Hong Kong and globally. Businesses have been investing more in events to engage more customers, and hence increasing the demand for well-qualified event professionals.

Start To be advised
Duration 2 months
Fee HK$7000


This programme aims to meet the continuing education and professional development needs of those who are currently working in the event management field or those who have aspirations in organizing events for their future careers. 
Start To be advised
Duration 4 months
Fee HK$13000
This programme aims to meet the continuing education and professional development needs of those who are currently working in the event management field or those who have aspirations in organizing events for their future careers. 
Start To be advised
Duration 2 months
Fee HK$7000


The programme aims to equip students with the credentials and expertise that prepare them for a variety of career in the competitive and ever-changing live entertainment and event industry.
Start 18 MAR 2025 (TUE)
Duration 1 year
Fee Course Fees: HK$32,200* will be paid in 3 terms
(*The tuition fee is reviewed annually and is subject to change without prior notice.)

Over the last decade, events have emerged as significant tools for community and regional development, tourism promotion and corporate marketing. The steady growth in the number and size of events in Hong Kong has created a significant demand for professional event managers. At the same time, the increasing complexity and government regulation of festivals and events have given rise to an industry body of knowledge, and to the need for personnel trained and skilled in the practice of international festival & event management.

Start 07 APR 2025 (MON)
Duration 21 months
Fee Course Fees: HK$110,250* will be paid in 4 terms
(*The tuition fee is reviewed annually and is subject to change without prior notice.)
This Honour degree part-time programme, leading to the Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) in International Festival & Event Management, is offered by HKU SPACE in collaboration with the Edinburgh Napier University. It is designed to equip students how to plan, design, market, operate and develop events, as well as how these events can be used to help local economies and communities.

It is a fully-accredited undergraduate degree in the United Kingdom. On completion of the studies, graduates will be awarded the Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) in International Festival & Event Management, which is identical to the one awarded to the students in the Edinburgh Napier University in the United Kingdom. 
Start To be advised
Duration 2 years
Fee Honours Award: HK$162,000 per programme
Ordinary Award: HK$ 81,000 per programme

*The tuition fee is reviewed annually and is subject to change without prior notice.


The programme aims to provide a broad overview of the structure of the live entertainment, festival and event industry and meet the continuing professional development needs of people who are currently or intend to work in the live entertainment industry, in festival and event management, private and public agencies. The programme’s emphasis is on live entertainment, festivals and events as a business and its marketing strategies, programming, operations, budgeting, facility management, and so on.
Start 10 MAR 2025 (MON)
Duration 22 months
Fee *HK$4,900 per module (2 modules per semester: *HK$9,800, Total programme fee : *HK$49,000)
(*The tuition fee is reviewed annually and is subject to change without prior notice.)


The programme aims to meet the continuing professional development needs of people who are currently working in the M.I.C.E. industry, in event management, advertising and public agencies, or for those who have career aspirations in the M.I.C.E. and Event Management fields. This programme aims to introduce students a wide range of skills and techniques in event planning, promotion, operation and management. Students will learn how to collaborate with different stakeholders in relation to event venues, event facilities, food and beverage, marketing communication, and event technology.

Start 10 MAR 2025 (MON)
Duration 22 months
Fee *HK$4,900 per module (2 modules per semester: *HK$9,800, Total programme fee : *HK$49,000)
(*The tuition fee is reviewed annually and is subject to change without prior notice.)


This programme aims to equip event professionals with an overview of event design and operations, and develop their production and managerial skills needed for the event industry, with a particular focus on the psychology of event audience.


On completion of the programme, students should be able to
1.  Identify and appraise the needs, expectations and behaviour of event audience and other stakeholders;
2.  Illustrate and explain the event design and delivery plan in a cohesive way;
3.  Analyze, plan and manage different aspects of event production whilst recognizing the links between and across them;
4.  Develop a budgeting and financial plan in event production;
5.  Apply the multi-media and technology to create a cohesive event and engage audience; and
6.  Assess how international events offer opportunities and challenges to event managers across local and global contexts.

Start 18 MAR 2025 (TUE)
Duration 39 hours
Fee Application Fee
HK$150 (Non-refundable)

Course Fee
HK$5,900 per programme
(*The tuition fee is reviewed annually and is subject to change without prior notice.)


Cross-cultural communication in the areas of negotiation skills, leadership skills, team-building skills, dietary, costume and religion considerations, and international marketing strategies across cultures will be discussed in this programme.  


On completion of the programme, students should be able to
  1. Explain the concept of culture and identify the national cultural dimensions in the live entertainment event context;
  2. Explain the cultural differences across nations and develop cross-cultural communication skills and empathy;
  3. Compare different approaches in leading and working in multi-cultural teams;
  4. Develop effective marketing communication strategies with target consumers from diverse cultural backgrounds;
  5. Analyze and interpret consumer behaviour from various cultural backgrounds and formulate effective operational management strategies; and
  6. Compare and contrast the protocol and ceremonial needs of various cultures and religions in events.
Start 19 MAR 2025 (WED)
Duration 30 hours
Fee Application Fee
HK$150 (Non-refundable)

Course Fee
HK$5,400 per programme
(*The tuition fee is reviewed annually and is subject to change without prior notice.)