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8月 2021

How to Find the Best Customers with BI? (11 Aug 21)





2021年8月11日 (星期三)18:00 - 18:45
Zoom Webinar
  • Mr Danny W. C. Chan

Mr Danny W. C. Chan

Mr. Chan, FRM, has possessed rich experience in financial risk management, information technology and data science and worked as IT Manager over a decade. Being a practitioner in information technology, he is currently a consultant and trainer at Big Data Consultancy Services Company. Also, he is strong in Cloud-based solutions, Big Data Technology, Data Mining and Machine Learning. Moreover, Mr. Chan has obtained a Bachelor Degree in Mathematics from The Chinese University of Hong Kong as well as three Master Degrees in Risk Management Science from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Quantitative Analysis for Business from City University of Hong Kong and Industrial Logistics Systems from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

2867 8331 (
Executive Certificate in Interpretation and Visualization of Business Big Data Certificate for Module (Business Analytics and Web Scraping) Postgraduate Diploma in Finance and Data Analytics Big Data and FinTech Executive Workshop Series - Big Data and Data Visualization Big Data and FinTech Executive Workshop Series - Applied AI and Business Analytics
How to Find the Best Customers with BI?

If your company owns a customer master table with sales data and you are keen on finding your best (or second best) segment of customers for target marketing, here would be an effective solution for you.

This is a BI solution for RFM customer/member segmentation.  A standardized score for measuring the recency, frequency and monetary spending is assigned to each customer.  The system will offer demographic and consumption analysis on the segmented customers to assist you to decide on a marketing action with more confidence.

The speaker will showcase the technique of data visualization with dynamic settings to customize your marketing focus. Believe it or not, this approach transforms sales data to useful marketing data with just a few clicks.

How to Find the Best Customers with BI?

The eye-catching dashboard above is a sample BI solution for customer segmentation. As the design is extraordinary, don’t miss this opportunity to watch this demonstration.  You will certainly find this webinar a worthy one.

Remark: Language: Cantonese (Supplemented with English)