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掌握大數據 Power


大數據及資訊科技,已成為新常態下的職場必勝技能,無論你從事銷售﹑金融﹑人事管理,又或想投身其中專業,一系列相關課程,都可以全方位助你POWER UP,讓你善用大數據POWER!




Advanced Diploma in Advanced Diploma in Big Data Analytics and Applications programme is a 12-month part-time programme designed for secondary school graduates who have aspirations to pursue a career in the Big Data Analytics field. 

This programme is designed to help students develop basic skills in big data analytics. It provides students with the opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge and critical understanding of a range of issues and concepts in Big Data Analytics.
Start To be advised
Duration 1 year
Fee HK$52,000 (to be paid in 2 instalments)
The programme aims to provide students with the key concepts of big data and related operational and ethical issues. It will discuss big data opportunities and challenges, fraud detection, data protection, ethical and compliance issues from managerial perspectives globally. Besides, best practices for data security and compliance, regulatory requirements will be covered in the programme.
Start 22 JUN 2024 (SAT)
Duration 2 months to 3 months
Fee Course Fee: $8600 per programme (* course fees are subject to change without prior notice)
The programme aims to provide fundamental knowledge on finance applications of blockchain technology, digital currencies, big data and financial analytics. It covers digital banking, payment systems, blockchain, cryptocurrencies, peer to peer lending, crowdfunding, quantitative methods in financial analysis and big data analytics in finance. The programme develops students with programming skills in Python and put them into practice to solve real world finance problems.    
Start 13 MAY 2024 (MON)
Duration 12 months to 20 months
Fee Module 1: Introduction to FinTech $6,500

Module 2: Principles of Finance $4,700

Module 3: Programming for FinTech Applications $6,500

Module 4: Machine Learning in Finance $4,700

Module 5: Blockchain Applications and FinTech $4,700

Module 6: Big Data Applications and Financial Analytics $4,700
The programme aims to
  1. equip students with fundamental English communication skills.
  2. provide students with basic concepts of organisation and management.
  3. equip students with basic IT-oriented skills of computer programming, web page development and computer networking that support business operations.
  4. provide students with a foundation knowledge of computer systems, operating systems and information systems which are used in the market.
Start 15 JUL 2024 (MON)
Duration 1 year
Fee HK$22,600
This programme aims to provide a comprehensive range of IT knowledge and training for non-IT graduates who are facing the challenges of IT in work or looking for new career opportunities in IT fields.
Start 03 OCT 2024 (THU)
Duration 1 year
Fee $48,400 to be paid in 2 installments
1st installment: 26,400
2nd installment: 22,000


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